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Берегись автомобиля

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performance. We are being expanded,
with the creation of popular theater,
by forming a select team out of local groups.
Today is a festive day for us.
We're creating a new popular theater!
I hope it will be a sturdy
organism... a solid...
- Comrade Detochkin! Sit down!
- What for?... Hello, Sir.
...between these hospitable walls of our
art house we find all the conditions
for people of various professions to get
acquainted with Melpomene (Muse of Tragedy)
who was, as you know... a Muse...
Our own community theater,
you see, consists of two
collectives of comrades.
Policemen, and, well... chauffeurs.
- I recognized you.
- But it isn't me...
Sure it's you...
You said: "A who is to judge?"
I've never said any such thing
about any judges...
You did, you did...
Wasn't it you who played Chatskov?
Oh... It was.
I completely forgot...
And now the two of us
will be acting in the same play.
- I'm very glad!
- Me too!
Some say, that these popular theaters
will soon replace, and rightly so,
professional theater!
And they are right!
When I worked in the theater...
and I was... Well, nevermind.
And obviously, an actor who isn't
being paid will act with more inspiration!
And besides, an actor should
work somewhere...
You see, it's just not appropriate for him
to spend all his days in the theater, loafing about!
I mean, how much better Yermolova could
have been acting, if by day...
you see... by day she worked...
at the sanding machine.
The calling of the community theater
comes with many responsibilities.
Oh, we played them all in our collectives...
It's best to forget...
Is it not time, my friends,
for us to take a swing at our own,
William... you see, well, Shakespeare.
Let's swing away!
Here, an "Alpinist" transistor radio.
Careful, please.
- Pardon, who's Dima? - I'm Dima.
- I'm here for Oleg Nikolayovich.
- Which Oleg Nikolayovich?
- Your pal Oleg Nikolayovich. - I'm listening.
- Sign it out, please.
- There you go.
- How many speeds on this?
- Three: 78, 35 and 43. Cashier's over there...
I require a voice tape recorder.
Either American or German made...
Here's a great one.
Made in the motherland.
won't do, thanks.
- A foreign one's hard to find...
- I understand! How much?
- What is it, Sir?
- I'm looking.
What is this, a zoo?
Here's a TV, go and look.
- Fifty.
- Fifty??
- Get a grip, man!
- It takes finding, transport...
- Italian? - Yeah.
- It'll have to be resereved...
- Leave me your number.
- OK.
- "Belomor" cigarettes, please.
- No Belomor. - What, then...?
- Well, then some Droog cigarettes, please.
- Here, 30 Kopeks, please.
Taxi! Taxi!
Please, Sir! I beg you!
I'm late! Is this your car?
- No.
- But you're the driver?
No, no.
- Then what are you doing?
- I'm trying to steal it, but you're in the way.
Then please, steal me along with it,
I'm late for my train!
- You're really late?
- Yes.
- Get in. - Thank you!
- Mind you, you're an accomplice now!
Very good...
To the Kurski station!
I did warn you...
Hold him! There he is!
We got him! Hold the thief!
Hold him! Don't let go.
Oh, you little thief...
I'm no thief! I'm late for a train!
Look, there's my ticket!
He came prepared! Look how
cautious he is, ah?
Finally! Quick! We caught the little crook!
He tried to steal my car!
I beg you, hurry.
Hold him!
- Who's the owner? - I am!
I mean, we. We caught the thief.
I'm not a thief! I'm late for a train
and he took away my ticket!
- Your papers?
- Here's the ticket.
- And yours. - What for?
- For the car.
- We'll clear this up somewhere else.
Is there a witness? - Me! Why? What happened?
I'm not the thief! He got away.
Unfortunately, I can't remember his face...
- I'm late for the train! Actually,
I'm too late already. - Hold him!
- Yours? - No! God forbid!
- Yours? - No...
Yes! I am a witnsess! Me!
I look better in
Берегись автомобиля Берегись автомобиля

Читайте также:
- текст Трон на английском
- текст Москва слезам не верит на английском
- текст Звёздный путь 4: Путешествие домой на английском
- текст Мистер Норт на английском
- текст Жмурики на английском

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