kid? Could you hold down the job? Keep the citizens lined up with their hands going in and out of their pockets at regular intervals? You like insulting me in front of your friend, huh? It makes you real happy to do, huh? Get out! Get out! Why don't you just stay down, Dad. And give the party machinery a nice long rest? This is it, boy. That is the last straw. - That is the last one. - Yes? - Now. - Now? - Yes, right now! - Oh. Now, you listen to me, Stuart. You got something of mine, see. So I'm gonna give you a chance... rest and take it easy... ...until you remember what you did with it, eh? Now, I don't want any reports, no report sheets, no reporters, no nothing. I'll call Fritz in a minute. You can use this elevator here. What about the kid? I don't know about the kid. Let Fritz find out about him. If I had your wallet, I'd never give it to you. I might give it to the FBI, along with the rest of my files. Is that so? Well, let me tell you something, sonny. Sometimes when little boys make up stories, they have to be locked up in their rooms. Now, get him out of here. Get him out of here before I kill him! If you work me over, I'm gonna... - Stop that! - I'm warning you. Out! I'm warning you. Anybody works me over, I'm gonna really... You gonna what? I want both your mouths shut between here and the jail, or else. You used to be my friend. Shut up. You used to cook Chinese food for me. I said, shut up. - If you give me any trouble... - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's when I got the idea to make the challenge. All I have to do is get out of jail, make my way back to the mayor's office, open his safe and get away. How would you say an escape artist is different from just plain folks? Well, he does what people wish they could do. And if he can't, he makes it seem like he can. Ever tried to escape from anything tough before? - Sure. - How'd it make you feel? Fine. All right. Everybody out. The deal is, he's totally alone, Fritz. One hour. Okay. I'll be back to get you in an hour, kid. Your clothes are across the hall. Good luck. You don't see me, do you, Scully? No, Fritz. Come out here now. Take a good look. I have to do a lot of things I don't like in this job. I don't mind that so much. As a matter of fact, his old man would come downstairs and get him... Now, I don't know what your connection is with that nut, but if you know anything about a bunch of hundred dollar bills, you better start talking. I did a little checking. I don't know what you've heard, but your old man was a petty crook. They didn't shoot him in here, you know. He got as far as the kitchen, which isn't bad for a country boy. But don't you even try to escape. In a little while, the reporters will be back to take your picture and write down your comments on the virtues of bragging. Think about hundred dollar bills. Says you're supposed to sign this. Okay. You ever heard of anybody who tried to break out of here? Oh, yeah. Guys try to get out all the time. Come on. Come on. I got reporters coming back in a few minutes. Okay, come on. Okay, you'll be safe in here. It'll be in all the papers. Boy, are they gonna be surprised to find you in here. - Got your keys? - Yeah, let's get this over with. - Did you find the wallet yet? - No, sir. - What about the kid? - We got him locked up. Tell you what, Al. You tell Fritz to send someone over to Stu's apartment and look for it. Okay. Do whatever you have to do to find it. Good night, sir. We'll take care of it. Good night. See you tomorrow. Oh, boy... Now what? I don't know. I don't have the key. Well, Fritz will have it. Come on. Now, what am I holding up, besides the show? The seven of diamonds. Yes. Now, would you like to say a nice good night to the audience? Good night, everybody. Now, my ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Американские граффити на английском - текст Отец и сын на английском - текст Закон Мерфи на английском - текст Дневник его жены на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Поколения на английском |