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Бегство художника

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
- Yeah, yeah. Your family.
Probably end up
just like his old man.
- What's wrong with that?
- Look, Sibyl. I'm telling you
that one of these days he's gonna
end up in a card game somewhere
and try out some of the
amateur stuff he's been...
And somebody's gonna get...
Somebody's gonna get mad
and break his head open.
Gee, Burke, you're
really jealous, aren't you?
Look, I just don't wanna see another
version of his old man around here.
Listen, Burke...
- special.
Sibyl, would you please...
Say the magic word.
How's that?
Say the magic word.
I don't know the magic word.
It's "Open sesame."
Open sesame.
Something for you?
Fool your little friends?
What's the use
of fooling your friends?
You think you have any,
you're just fooling yourself.
Do you write your own patter?
You should ask me whether or not
I fool my relatives or strangers.
Well, how about relative strangers?
Them too.
You know, I bet you keep them
on their toes up at the debate society.
Say, listen, I've got something here
that I think you
just might be interested in.
Yeah. Houdini used to do this one.
...King Tut.
No. That's not quite
what I had in mind.
- See, my father was Harry Masters.
- Yeah?
Listen, you know anybody in town
who can
rip a base
or deal a good second?
Slow down, boy.
I haven't been in pots and pans
very much,
but it wouldn't take me too long.
Say the magic word.
Say the magic word.
Let me handle it.
- Watch how I serve the customers.
- Well, now, wait a minute.
Say the magic word.
Open the goddamn door.
Don't let this guy
know that I'm here. Okay?
- He's nutty as a fruitcake.
- No, sir.
It's "Open sesame."
Push the button
or I'll kick the door in.
Something for you?
Fool your friends?
Where's the boss?
Hey, Stu,
look at all this junk, will you?
Well, when the boss isn't here,
I'm the boss.
Maybe I can help you.
Yeah, I'd like some ice cubes
with flies in them.
Well, how many you want?
I'll take six dozen.
I gotta check.
These things are a riot. I'll put them
in my father's drinks. He'll go crazy.
Oh, Stu. You're such a jokester.
Yeah. These are
great ones, the flies.
Do you have the beetles
or the spiders?
- Yeah.
- How about some rubber rats?
Mister, we've got everything.
Do you seriously think I'm here
to look at insects in ice cubes?
I'm the Humane Society in this town.
I wanna see you
make some canaries disappear.
We've gotten reports
that you guys kill those birds.
And I want you
to show me otherwise.
Pleasant surprise.
You know, Stu,
your father told us
that if you came around,
that we didn't have to
take it from you anymore.
He said, in fact, we don't even
have to talk to you anymore.
Now, he says if you
give us any trouble,
that we're supposed
to call the police department.
You're not supposed to hold
a rabbit by the ears either.
But did that ever stop any of you guys
from pulling them out of hats?
Hey, Stu, let's pretend
like I'm a rabbit.
I wanna know how you idiots
make a canary disappear,
and I don't have 25 years
to figure it out.
Look, Stu.
Phone. I'm calling the police.
Sir, the magician switches
the live bird with the stuffed one.
So why would anybody
wanna kill the bird?
Ask a turkey on Thanksgiving.
Hey, Stu.
Slide it in here a second.
I wanna show you a little trick.
Look. Don't play
with the illusions, girlie.
In fact, don't touch
anything in the store.
I'll be glad to demonstrate
anything you want.
You can tell this guy's been
in and out of the nuthouse.
You know who he is, don't you?
He's the mayor's son.
Stu, somebody's always saying
Let's go drive fast
and get another drink.
- Okay. We'll go get a drink.
- Excuse me, mister.
I don't normally deal with
the walking wounded, but if I may,
let me show you
the signed-card-to-wallet effect.
- Who's this kid, for God's sakes?
- Pick a card.
- So you're
Бегство художника Бегство художника

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- текст Два весёлых гуся на английском
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- текст Охота в одиночку на английском
- текст Космический Джэм на английском

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