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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Бег


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
- Viva, Your Excellency!
- Sit down...
Doesn't break, doesn't wreck,
only somersaults...
- Kebab!
- I hope you choke on it!
Doesn't break, doesn't wreck,
only somersaults!
Fifty piastres...
Madam, buy a Red Commissar
for your kids' entertainment.
Your little angels'...
Doesn't break, doesn't wreck!
A caring mother!
No, not pourquoi...
Antre pour enfant...
A 50 piastre, madam!
Madam... madam!
Well, well - 40!
For you 40!
OK, 30!
Madam, kids love toys!
Ok, 20, madam!
Damn you!
You've never had kids at all!
Go to your harem!
Yok, I say!
Damned city!
Damned city!
- Maria Konstantinovna!
- What is it, Gregory Lukyanovich?
Well... Can't I see
Janizary on credit today?
Spare me,
Gregory Lukyanovich...
I can't!
But I'm not some swindler,
or freemason of Constantinople...
Neither am I some stranger to you...
I think you still can trust a general!
Well, this is all true,
Gregory Lukyanovich.
But ask Arthur Arturovich
Arthur Art...
What's wrong?
Who needs me?
What can I do for you?
- Well... you see...
But it is rude after all,
Arthur Arturovich!
I know what you'll say.
I wonder, what?
Much more interesting is what
I'll tell you.
Got it!
I wonder, what?
On credit - to no one!
What a rascal!
What a city!
I've seen many cities,
but such...
- What cities have you seen?
- Oh, Lord!
Kharkov... Rostov!
Monastery shining in the mountains...
Chartoroy-town on the Dnieper...
smell of hay.
I remember, what a nice battle
it was near Kiev!
Lovely battle!
It was warm...
Sunny... Warm, but not hot!
Why are you shouting?
I look at you, Arthur,
and admire you!
You've already put the tails on.
You are not a man, but
the sport of nature!
Cockroaches' king.
Lucky you!
Arthur Arturovich, I decided
to liquidate my business.
Are you joking with me?
I sell one piece for fifty!
- Keep doing it then!
Are you planning to go on
sucking blood?
I am not imposing
myself on you!
Buy cartridges.
Cartridges, together with the cabinet -
two liras and fifty!
Here, take it!
Pardon, general...
Give me for 2 liras and 50
on Janizary.
Sensation in Constantinople
with the police permission!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
the races are open!
Never seen anywhere in the world,
Russian court game -
Cockroach races!
The deseased Empress' favorite game...
Please, gentlemen,
please, ladies!
Attention! Achtung! Attention!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
the cockroaches live in a sealed box
under the supervision of entomology
professor of Imperial
University of Kazan, by miracle
escaped from the Bosheviks...
and his assistant.
First round! Calling on the stage
number one - Eastern Pearl!
Number two - Baba Yaga!
Number three - dapple-grey cockroach
the favorite Janizary!
Number four - Don't-Cry-Baby.
Number five and six -
Button and Hooligan.
To the start!
Janizary won!
Second round!
Calling the same participants.
Janizary turned back... Look!
What are you doing!
What are you doing,
you'll kill it!
Janizary, Janizary...
Go, Janizary, my dear! Go...
Janizary is stopped!
- Cannot be...
- Arthur, you gave Janizary to drink!
Music louder!
Where have you seen
a drunk cockroach? Where!
Look here - Janizary is sober as
a diamond.
Janizary, attention!
Look, he took a leap!
Do not touch me, I am an officer!
My institution is authorized by
Death is too good for him!
Your Excellency!
Where is Janizary...
Don't crush Janizary!
Run, Janizary!
Police! Help! Help...
Where have you seen
a drunk cockroach?
How you multiplied!
And you, bold head, are here...
I assure you that Janizary
is sober as a diamond!
Oh you, with meat...
This is a misunderstanding -
I'm the victim!
That's me!
Take them! Scoundrels!...
My establishment is the best
Бег Бег

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- текст Алиса в Стране Чудес на английском
- текст Его звали Роберт на английском

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