give for ransom? - Here, before the departure? Ten thousand dollars. In Constantinople less. I suggest you to get Korzukhina's confession. Delay Korzukhin's boarding under some pretext, at least for an hour. - And my share? - Gurin, take her! - Help me, save me, somebody! Help me, it's crime, save me! Help! Save me, help! Look what they made him to write! Please immediately vacate the premises of counter-intelligence! Gurin, call the guards! Buy a house. I accept any currency. Even counterfeit. Oh, my God, what a nonsense, why am I sitting here? Shut up, your Excellency, let me listen. You must agree that I am in a strange situation. Ah, my God, what an idiot! I am a minister's friend and you will answer for it! - What a difficult person. Waiter! Another bottle. I am going to the restroom. Hope, you have nothing against it. Semyon, accompany him! - Why are you stuck here? - Stuck? I'm waiting for Commander-in-Chief. Do you know what will you wait until? The Reds. Go to the ship! Commander-in-Chief doesn't receive, gentlemen. You are expected! Gentlemen! Thank God... I've been waiting impatiently for you. - It's cold. - What? So, did everybody leave? They strongly beat the cavalry on the way... But you can say they left... I travelled very comfortably. Hid in the corner of compartment, I don't harm anyone and nobody harms me... Twilight, in short... like in the kitchen. I don't understand you, what are you talking about? It was in my childhood. Once I entered the kitchen in the dusk... A stove, cockroaches on the stove. I lit up a match, and they ran. When the match went out, I heard them rustling with their feet. That's how it is now - darkness and rustling... I look and think: where do they run to? Like cockroaches to the bucket... From the kitchen table - buh! - Thank you. For all you've done for Crimea with your huge strategic talent. I'm not keeping you any longer. I'm moving to the hotel myself. - Closer to the water? If you do not stop being bold, I'll arrest you. I foresaw it. My guards are in the lobby. It'll be a big scandal - I am popular. No, it is not a disease... For the whole year now you've been hiding your hatred towards me under abominable joking. - I don't hide that I hate you! Envy? Lust for power? No. I hate you because you involved me in all this. Where are the promised Allied troops? Where is the Russian empire? How could you start fighting them, when you are powerless? You have become a cause of my disease! However, it's not the time... We both are relegated to oblivion... I don't keep you any longer, general. - Turning a faithful servant out... - Clown! Hey, who is here? Soldier! The court! Seat! The court! Seat! Don't be silent, Krapilin... Say something! Excuse me... But they promised to let me see you... Everybody has gone somewhere. What do you want? I came here to tell you about atrocious crimes carried out by counter-intelligence, the cause of which is General Khludov. This is interesting. Excuse me, but you are alive, aren't you? I hope you aren't hung... What are your claims? You make a good impression. I've seen you somewhere before. Would you be so kind as to say what are your claims. - The day before yesterday you ordered to arrest a woman. - I Remember... Remember, remember. Yes, yes, remember... Now I remember... I recognize you. Excuse me, and to whom were you going to complain about me? To the Commander-in-Chief. It's too late. He's gone. Bucket of water... Sank to oblivion... Forever. There's no one to complain to about General Khludov. Captain! Listen, Golovan: take the guards and go to counter-intelligence. There is a woman registered by me - Korzukhina? Serafima Vladimirovna! If she hasn't been shot, bring her to the palace. What did you say? If you have done it... - Behave as a man! Let's wait. If she is not alive, I'll kill you.
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