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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Бег


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I suggest you should
stop resisting.
If you accept the mentioned proposal,
Board of Southern Army Front,
basing on the privilege given
by the central Soviet government,
guarantee to the surrendered
the complete remission of
their misdeeds related to the Civil War.
Thank you, Comrades.
And you sit down, comrade!
Continue. Write:
Remember that we are talking
about tens of thousands lives of people involved
in the fight against Soviet Russia.
If you refuse the mentioned
fair proposal
all fault for senselessly shed
Russian blood
falls on you.
Commander of the Southern Front
Mikhail Frunze.
"Orderly Krapilin.
Bolshevik. "
Who is there?
Cossack captain...
who is it?
- No one, your Excellency.
- What do you mean no one? Come here!
Sit down!
Look!... standing!
Do you see?
I am sorry, I don't see...
No one, your Excellency!
Krapilin is hanged.
He can't stand.
I probably dreamed it...
Although I wasn't sleeping.
May be I was?
- That's true, Your Excellency.
Yes, yes, go...
No, wait!
What is this?
The Holy Bible, Your Excellency. Archbishop
Afrikan sent it to you as a gift.
I reported you.
- Yes, I remember.
Look here...
I am bored, brother.
Read aloud for me!
- Excuse me... I am illiterate.
- Well, well...
Listen here:
"They be blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind lead the blind,
both shall fall into the ditch."
Who is this about?
- I do not know, your Excellency.
About us, about us...
About me!
As you wish, your Excellency!
Don't go away, Captain.
And do not let me sleep.
Wake me up!
- Would you like...
- Yes, and louder.
Someone who can see...
Someone who can see -
tell me what is around me!
Soldier, I know you're here!
Don't be silent, Krapilin!
Don't be silent!
Don't be silent, Krapilin!
You were sleeping.
- I am sorry!
Give me a towel.
Damn, I dream all sort of nonsense...
You were sleeping, did you dream
of something? - Yes, sir!
- What?
- Excuse me, your Excellency...
I dreamed of a woman...
You are a happy man, captain.
Does your soul ache, captain?
By no means. Soul doesn't ache.
Teeth ache. Caught a cold.
Get out!
- What?
- Out!
- Astrakhan fur, astrakhan...
- I don't need!
Dear Marya Konstantinovna,
allow me to help you...
- No, no...
- Oh, it's broken!
Obviously you are an intelligent man and
I hope you understand how it's important
for us to know the truth.
Take a seat!
They spread dirty rumors about counter-intelligence.
In reality this institution
performs the most difficult task
to protect the state.
Please smoke!
- Thank you, I don't smoke.
- Are you afraid of me?
- Yes, I am.
Don't worry.
I beg you, tell me what happened to her?
- To whom?
- You can understand, it is the most ridiculous story...
- Enough playing privatdozent.
I am fed up with this comedy!
Scoundrel! How dare you sit? Rise!
Let us agree that you will
tell me the pure truth.
If you start lying... Do you hear?
- I've never lied!
Well, silent and answer only
my questions. Take a seat, please!
Why did you come to the Whites?
Why did the so called
Serafima Korzukhina come here?
But I am sure, I know that
she really is Korzukhina!
But in your presence, on the station,
Korzukhin said that this was a lie!
- He lied. He was just scared.
- Why was he scared?
Write. I will dictate,
thus it'll be easier for you.
But I warn you:
if you stop, you alone are to blame!
Write: "I, the undersigned,
Sergei Pavlovich Golbukov,
testified under interrogation, two-spot:
Serafima Vladimirovna Korzukhina...
- But she's ill!
- Don't stop!
...arrived to the area occupied by the
Armed Forces of Southern Russia
for Communist propaganda and
contact with the underground.. Don't stop!
Privatdozent... and signature.
Thank you for the frank testimony!
- But this is not f...
Take him out and let him go!
Appreciate the document.
How much will Korzukhin
Бег Бег

Читайте также:
- текст Меченосец на английском
- текст Ночь страха на английском
- текст Рэмбо 2 на английском
- текст Клятва на английском
- текст Персона на английском

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