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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Бег


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
- Your Excellency! I have children!
What's he doing?!
Come on!
The combined cavalry division arrived
from Chongar marching, Your Excellency.
Sit down!
Golovan, chair!
What are you doing, Roma?
Roma, stop it... Stop!
- You are from general staff after all!
- Shut up!
Leave the transport here. You'll go
to the Karpov gorge and stay there.
Yes, sir!
- The transport and wounded stay here.
- And I?
- You stay here as well!
- Grisha!
Your Excellency, it has passed!
They're entering the Lithuanian peninsula.
Squadron! Follow me!
Stop! Stop!
Start the music -
commander's order.
It's my honour to introduce myself:
Korzukhin, the friend of Minister of Commerce.
I'm listening.
The Council of Ministers has authorised me
to address you with three questions.
Firstly, I am comissioned to find out
the destiny of 5 workers arrested in Simferopol.
Captain, present the arrested
to Mr. Minister's friend!
- Please follow me!
- Yes, be so kind...
Thank you.
The first question is settled.
The second?
The second? What second?
Oh, the second...
The second refers directly to
my ministry.
Here on the station the cargo
of essential purpose was stuck.
I ask for permission and assistance
of Your Excellency
to urgently push this cargo through
to Sevastopol.
- And what cargo is it?
- Export furs.
Export furs...
And in what train is the cargo?
Golovan, drive the mentioned train
to the dead-end
and burn it with kerosene!
- Yes, sir.
The third question!
The situation in the front-line.
What situation can there be?
The fools shoot the canons.
The commander was given a smoking stove.
There are no restaurants, no girls.
We're sitting like parrots
on the stools!
Go to Sevastopol and
tell the rear stinkers to pack -
the Reds will be here tomorrow!
And also say, that the foreign whores
won't see sable cuffs!
This is unheard! I will have the honour
to report this to the Commander-in-Chief!
Do it!
Roma! Roma, Roma...
It's me!
- Feed her!
- Roma!
- Feed her!
Will you please come with me!
Be so kind!
- You know, he's always in a hurry.
Last time we met...
- Yes, yes...
- Golovan, what's burning there?
- Furs.
- Wait!
- Who is Roman Khludov here?
- Let her. I am Khludov.
- She is sick!
We're running from Petersburg.
Running and running...
Where to?
Under Roman Khludov's wing!
Always Khludov, Khludov...
Khludov's even in our dreams.
Now we have the honour
to behold him.
Sitting on a barrel,
and sacks're hanging around...
Only sacks and sacks...
Beast! Jackal!
They'll come and finish you off!
- She's a Communist!
- You are mad! Let me!
- Back!
She is no Communist. She's Korzukhin's wife.
She has no idea what she says!
That's good. Because when they have
the idea, they never say the truth.
Wait, wait...
That scoundrel has a Communist wife!
Bring him here!
- Yes, sir.
- Paramon Ilych Korzukhin?
- Yes, I am.
Your wife, Serafima Vladimirovna,
came to you from Petersburg.
Excuse me.
Thank God!
I see this woman for the first time.
I don't know any Serafima Vladimirovna.
I'm not expecting
anyone from Petersburg.
This is a lie!
- What?
- A lie?
- This is blackmailing!
- Sincere man, ha?
Luckily for you, Mr. Korzukhin...
Fur... Away!
Take her in and interrogate!
Your Excellency,
this is a misunderstanding!
That's true...
As written in the books:
You can't win a war with strangleholds only!
Why did you, beast, cut out
the soldiers under Perekop?
However you came across
someone... a woman...
She took a pity on the hanged,
nothing more.
But no one can slip past you, no one:
you put them into a sack right away!
You feed on the dead flesh!
- Let me take him away, Your Excellency!
- No! His words suggest
sober thoughts about the war.
Speak, soldier, speak!
- Bring a sack!
Бег Бег

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- текст Лучшая защита на английском
- текст Eorin shinbu на английском
- текст Алиса здесь больше не живет на английском
- текст Пираты XX века на английском
- текст 38 попугаев на английском

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