pleasure to give you all warm pants with stripes... But alas, they don't sell them in this filthy city... - Stop it, let's go! - Silence, privat. I am sad. I like you, gentlemen! I got huge alms today, I'm rich! But somehow I am sad. I have never been so sad... Even when I was shot at... It has nothing to do with trousers... - Where are you going? Stand up! - Wait, wait... When they lead you to heaven, I will be sitting there at the gates and there will be a hat before me. I'll be sitting there for a 1000 years and begging... and nobody will give me alms, nobody! Even the best of us - God. If you want, you can get everything - money, fame, power... But not Homeland, gentlemen... Especially such as mine... - It is time! - Wait! Russia does not fit, does not fit into a hat, gentlemen beggars! Wait... Does not fit... ...into a hat... Farewell, gentlemen, see you in heaven! Servant, serve them until morning! - Let's go, you're drunk... Leave me! See you in heaven! Come to your senses! The Bolsheviks will meet you with cannons! They will bury you alive! There is no reason to crawl on your bellies, we need to regain power, and return on horseback! I am sick of feeding foreign bugs! Hey, you! Shut up! We come to meet, and come again... It's in vain. They won't come back. They let cossacs return. - What? I say, they let cossacs return home, to Russia... That's it. We haven't met them today. Brothers, we need to go home, go to Russia... They gave land to farmers! It's time to plough the land! Enough fighting, it's time to go home! Sergey Pavlovich! Why are your silent? Hello, Sima! Hello, Serafima! Well, everything is all right? You love her, sincere man. Goodbye now. - Allow me to ask you where to? There'll be a steamboat. I will go with it. To Russia. Come with me, Charnota! What, are you going to be held responsible? Then know, Roman, that you will live exactly as long as it takes to bring you from the steamboat to the nearest wall, and with the strongest guards, not to let them to tear you to pieces on the way! You have left a big memory of yourself, brother! And along with you they will take me, a God's servant. I am responsible for many things as well. Although I don't have pillars in the home front. - You will be sad, Charnota. - Eh, Khludov... I've been sad since long ago. I didn't run from death. But I won't look for it either. - Farewell. - Farewell! Let's go. The cabman won't wait for us. Go! Go! - Sensation! - Stop! Sensation in Constantinople... Well... Our ways part here. The fate separated us. Some - into the loop, some - to Petersburg... And where will I go? Who am I now? Now I am the Wandering Jew! I am Ahasver... The Flying Dutchman I am! I am a demon... of dogs.. Ladies and gentlemen, the deseased Empress' favourite entertainment... Hello again. Arthur, the cockroaches' Czar! Hat... Take off the hat! To all Janizary's rounds! Sensation, sensation! The fortune is bet on the favourite! Don't miss your chance, gentlemen! Catch the fortune, ladies, now or never! Janizary is no longer with us, Your Excellency, his grandson is working - Janizary III. The most brilliant kid. Not a cockroach, a lion, an Orlov Trotter! Shall we begin? Yes, sir! Attention! Achtung! The favourite, Janizary's grandson, is on the first track - Professor Gore! We've been living here. Khludov - here, and I - there. Now it's your room. You won't go anywhere now. I won't let you. Make yourself comfortable. - Yes, thank you... Serafima Vladimirovna. - Yes, Sergey Pavlovich? I came to say goodbye to you. Do you hear me? Yes, Sergey Pavlovich. I am going to Russia. Farewell. I won't be able to explain you... Sometimes I dream that I am still alive, that I am there, in Russia, in the whirlwind of great events... and hopes... I believe my truth is there. Do you hear me? - Yes, Sergey Pavlovich.
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Святой Ральф на английском - текст Легенда о пианисте на английском - текст Элина, словно меня и не было на английском - текст Покаяние на английском - текст Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино на английском |