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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Бег


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A decent thing...
Ten dollars.
Paramon, this thing is worth a lot more.
But I see you don't understand
anything about these things.
Well, come on!
For how much?
- For these ten dollars.
A nine.
I want to win back.
- Win back again.
- Again...
Another card?
- Yes.
In this case I want
to win back again.
- What's your slave's name?
- Antoine.
Anton, bring something, my dear...
And snacks.
Card? Another?
For how much we play, excuse me?
Naturally for the entire amount.
One hundred and sixty.
I begin?
Doublure again.
Doublure what?
Ah, doublure..
In cash, please.
Gregory Lukyanovich, quit it,
quit it right now!
Come to your senses,
let's go away!
You're a gambler, Paramosha!
That's what ruins you!
Seven and a half...
I am joking - eight! Come on!
More? Mine..
- How so?
- Well, it's mine...
"Storm-clouds hurtle, storm-clouds hover;
Flying snow is set alight
By the moon whose form they cover,
Blurred the heavens, blurred the night
We can't whirl so any longer!
Suddenly, the bell has ceased,
Horses halted... - Hey, what's wrong there?
Who can tell! - a stump? a beast?"
...a stump? a beast?
- 50, 60...
- Yes, that's all.
Paramosha, this is mine...
Don't you have a newspaper... to wrap...
It's a pity that underpants don't have pockets.
I don't have a newspaper.
Give me the cash, I will draw
you a check! - Will you?
What's wrong with you, Paramosha...
- I don't have a newspaper...
- Do you think any bank will give...
- I don't have a newspaper...
- ...20 thousand to a man without trousers!
No thanks...
So you don't have
a newspaper, Paramosha?
No... at least leave me this...
I won so much money.
Then why am I so sad?
Where is Golubkov?
- There he is.
- Where?
Paramosha, behave yourself!
Privatdozent, why am I so sad?
Buy the medallion
back from him!
- Here...
- Buy it back, we must return it!
300 dollars!
- Here you are.
- And now let's leave!
For God's sake,
let's leave now, you hear?
Paramosha... We've stayed too long.
We're leaving.
We're leaving now, Paramosha...
That's it, it's time...
No! I am sick,
I have a fever...
You took an advantage of my fever...
My fever...
- Wait, Paramosha.
Give me my money back!
My money back!
- What's wrong with you, Paramosha?
Return my money, I'll give you
500 dollars each as a compensation.
What are you saying, my dear... Don't make
me angry, don't spoil such a nice evening!
Charnota, let's go,
for God's sake.
Let's go.
- Bye, Paramosha.
- I'll call the police!
You robbed me,
you poisoned me...
Well, Paramosha, pray to your
Parisian Virgin Mary.
Antoine, stop teasing the dog,
you don't let me sleep!
You are not in the army, Antoine!
My God...
Not in vain I dreamed of cockroaches...
Let's introduce ourselves, gentlemen.
General Charnota.
Well, gentlemen,
what happened?
He won my money and I want him
to give it back!
- No, it is impossible.
- Why impossible?
You played it over. You aren't a child,
there's nothing to do.
Gentlemen, the money belongs to you
and there is no misunderstanding.
Go, my boy, go to sleep,
you have shadows
under the eyes...
A shadow or shadows?
Paramon, wait!
Paramoshka, you...
Bon matin, madame!
Not bon matin, au revoir...
Let's go, Golubkov!
- Not here, there.
- It's a window.
- Go right now.
Farewell, Lyuska.
Charnota, buy yourself pants!
Your master is being robbed,
and you...
I am sorry, Your Excellency, I thought
you were having a confidential meeting with general,
discussing the salvation of our Homeland...
Fools! I'll fire you, parasites!
Lock all the doors,
don't let them out!
Yes, sir!
Good morning, gentlemen beggars,
it's me, General Charnota!
Pour out, servants!
I like you all...
- Let's go!
Gentlemen, it would be my
Бег Бег

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