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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Бег


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- To no one!
I just have the habit
of muttering while asleep. I was sleeping.
- Don't, Roman Valerianovich!
You behave outrageously again,
Your Excellency!
You've spoilt my life,
now you're spoiling the performance!
Can't you calm down!
- Silence!
I will finish you, Your Excellency!
Take him!
Your Excellency!
It's a shame to sully the General's rank,
our Homeland's begging for salvation...
Calm down, gentlemen, sit dowm,
the show goes on.
- It's here.
- Listen, give me your pants!
- And what will I do?
- Yes, true...
Go, I'll wait here.
It seems you didn't
understand anything, Antoine!
That's right,
Paramon Ilych, I didn't.
How do you say "that's right"
in French?
I do not know,
Paramon Ilych.
You are a lazy person,
What are you doing
right now?
Je, Antoine, je!
- Jo...
- Je!
I am cleaning the knives,
Paramon Ilych.
How do you say
"knives" in French?
Study, Antoine, study!
I am in.
Yes, sir!
Mr. Golubkov!
What can I do for you?
You do not recognize me.
We met a year ago.
In Crimea, on the station...
When your wife was detained.
Serafima Vladimirovna
is in Constantinople now.
She is on the verge of ruin.
- On the verge of what?
Excuse me, firstly I have no wife
and I do not remember
any station.
You do not remember the frost...
during the capture of Crimea?
Unfortunately, I don't.
You are mistaken.
You are Korzukhin.
You were in Crimea, I recognize you!
Indeed, I've been living
in Crimea for some time.
When those mad generals
were raging there.
But, you see, it was right then that I left
Russia, and I don't have and don't intend
to have any connections with it.
And I must tell you that a Russian emigrant
lives in my house as a secretary.
And this creature moved
my heart so much,
that I intend to marry her soon
and therefore I find all the conversations
about some so called wife of mine,
very unpleasant.
I understand, she hinders you.
Very well then...
Suppose, she is not your wife,
better still.
But you should pull
her out of poverty!
Lend me one thousand dollars...
I swear, I will pay you back!
I will work it off, it will be
my life goal...
I though so, that a conversation
about a mythical wife
will lead exactly to dollars.
A thousand, didn't I mishear?
- A thousand.
Tell me, do I look insane?
- No, it's rather me who looks insane.
- In that case, Mr. Golubkov,
I think you will not insist on my giving
a thousand dollars
to an unknown person.
- No, I will not insist...
But I want to tell you, that you are
the most terrible person
I have ever met.
General Charnota!
Paramosha, my dear...
Hello, my dear Paramon...
- Have we met?
- Paramon, what are you, mad?
What about Sevastopol?
- Yes, yes, of course...
Have we drunk brotherhood?
- If we have met, shure we have drunk!
- Excuse me, you seem to be wearing underpants!
- And why does it surprise you so?
I think I am not a woman, who can't
wear this piece of clothing.
Were you walking around Paris like this?
No, I was walking around Paris wearing
trousers, that I took off in your hall.
What a silly question, Paramon!
What's wrong with you, Paramosha?
Your countrymen,
who fought with Bolsheviks for you,
are standing before you,
And you refuse to give them a trifling amount!
Can you imagine that Serafima
is starving in Constantinople?
I suppose, this topic is exhausted.
You know, Paramon,
a sinner as I am,
I would join the Bolsheviks on purpose,
just to shoot you down.
I would shoot you down and right after that
would leave them.
Wait, what's this?
Do you play cards?
Yes, imagine, I like to play
nine very much.
Well, then play with me!
You see,
I like to play for cash.
Golubkov, come here!
Give me Khludov's medallion!
Take it! I am leaving.
You aren't going anywhere. I won't let you!
Lie there on the sofa!
Бег Бег

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- текст Чёрная Акула на английском
- текст Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки на английском
- текст Лунный Папа на английском
- текст Космические пришельцы на английском
- текст Нечто на английском

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