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Главная / Багдадский вор

Багдадский вор

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How tragic, O Prince,
if you had been killed...
...and an end put to your
illustrious family.
We must make haste to steal her.
The Mongol pig suspect us.
Prince of the Isles and the Seas.
Behold! Allah foretold thee with a rose.
We must away from here.
'Twas wrong to come.
The Caliph awaits the suitors.
To possess Bagdad I have
now a two-fold reason.
In the Throne Room....
The Prince of the Indies...
The Prince of Persia.
The Prince of the Mongols...
The Just One, the Holy, the High-Born...
the Caliph of Bagdad.
The Princess, according to ancient custom
of our House...
...hath made her choice.
Let her ring be placed upon
the hand of the chosen.
He has not wed her yet.
My daughter's choice and heir
to the throne of Bagdad.
The word is said.
If any have protest, voice it now.
When the moon tips the cypress...
...the betrothal will be consummate in feast.
He is the thief who yesternight
did rob the Palace.
Desecration most foul, O mighty Caliph,
hath been wrought upon thy noble House!
This Ahmed is but a common thief.
This Ahmed who calls himself a Prince,
hunt him down!
I am not a Prince.
I am less than the slave who serves you..
a wretched outcast... a thief.
What i wanted, I took.
I wanted you... I tried to take you...
But, when I held you in my arms...
the very world did change.
The evil in me died.
I can bear a thousand tortures,
endure a thousand deaths...
but not thy tears.
This Arab Prince is but a thief.
Seek him out!
Quick! Hide thyself. If thou art
found with me, they will be merciless.
I love you.
Thou dog! What torments
can we devise for thee!
Flog him!
Fling him to the ape!
Let him be torn to pieces.
A pearl to every guard.
Have him placed in safety through
the secret panel into the streets.
She shall choose again.
The secret panel into the streets...
Choose! I command you.
I myself will make the choice.
Betray not the sands of Mecca.
Gain time. Defer the outcome.
Send them to distant lands to seek some rare treasure.
At the seventh moon let them return.
Who brings the rarest treasure I will wed.
When marriage plans have gone amiss,
The seventh moon betokens bliss.
Come, if you still wouldst steal her.
I have found a way through
the tunnels of the tigers.
The Princes will return at the
seventh moon bearing treasure.
The one who brings the rarest wins the Princess.
Lose not thy hope, the rose persists,
and something good will come of this.
Turned lily-white he now goes
mewling to the mosque. Bah!
Thou art wounded.
In heart and soul.
I love a Princess.
Make thyself a Prince.
Allah hath made thy soul
to yearn for happiness...
...but thou must earn it.
Stay you in Bagdad.
I will send soldiers under guise
of porters bearing gifts.
Build me an army within the walls.
And so.. on the bedrock of humility
thou canst build any structure.
Come with me and I will set thy feet...
...on the path that leads to treasure
beyond thy dreams.
Three suitors leave thy city gate...
...But four are numbered in her fate.
At the end of the way is a silver chest...
...that doth contain the greatest magic.
Thou must be brave. Go now.
Control thy destiny.
Give this to her who hath
already my heart.
A day's journey from Bagdad...
a caravansary in the desert...
Thus far the three Princes
have traveled in company.
Great Lords of Asia,
good fortune to you...
...second only to mine own!
Let us meet here at the end
of the sixth moon.
Set spies to follow each.
A Defile in the Mountains
of Dread Adventure...
The Hermit of the Defile.
I seek a magic chest that
lies beyond this defile.
Knowest thou, rash youth...
devouring flames,
...foul monsters, shapes of death
beset the path?
A hundred years have I been here.
Many have gone this way
and none returned.
But, if thy resolve be firm,
I will help thee.
If thou dost reach the Cavern
of Enchanted Trees...
...touch with this talisman the midmost tree.
Багдадский вор Багдадский вор

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