but also shrewd. Prudence, I have a vow only. I only have one vow. Your vow, I know it. Your princess. I dream to see it again. Is it all? Useless to waste a vow. Watch. What is it? Watch in. Watch attentively and you will see it. It is true! A blue rose? I heard to speak of it. It is the blue rose of the oblivion. If she/it breathes some perfume... she/it will forget all. Of the blue roses? What charming perfume. Who are you? I don't know. I forgot. Why did you suffer? Would I have suffered? I don't remember. I was in love, he/it seems me. In love with who? I would not know how to say. I don't know anymore. I don't want to see that more! To know is even worse that not to see when one cannot make anything. Nothing. Why did you give me that? Break it in one thousand pieces! I flew it to help you. You flew it because you like that. Without me, you would have died. I would like to have died, you to have known never. I would like... to be in Baghdad. It is my vow! [Skipped item nr. 869] Where are you? Where you wanted it, in Baghdad. Come me out of here! Do you hear myself? I want to go of it to me! You will remain where you are. You are astute, small master, but you are a human. If you are hungry, you lose the reason of it, if you think, you forget some your heart and if your heart expresses itself! If your heart expresses itself, you forget all! I am not your master? More now, I granted your three wishes. I am free! Genius, come back! Don't let me die here! Farewell, small master of the universe! Farewell! I am free! [Skipped item nr. 887] You forgot all your past. You were in love with me. You like me. You will always like me. The whole passes is forgotten. I was in love with you. I like you and will like you always. Jaffar! Throw them in jail. Link them on opposite walls. Tomorrow they will die cut up living persons. I failed, my love. Forgive me. I don't have any regrets. We are together. And we will remain it forever. We won't be more ever detached. Yes, if the death is not the end. I quarreled with Abu. I regret it. Abu, my friend. Farewell... and forgive me. No, I don't want to tell you farewell. I want to help you. But how? I prefer not to see! Welcome, our prince. Welcome, small prince. Father to the beard, you make mistake. I am not a prince, I am only a thief. We wait for you since four thousand years. No, it is not possible. I am by chance there, I don't know how. Who, Father of the Miracles, are you? Where am I? On the Earth of Legend, where all is possible when he/it is seen by a child's eyes. We survived to the age of gold. Of gold, because gold was not then hardly more that the sand that we trod or the stone that we became. You, of the stone? We were petrified of horror when we saw the men to stop being children and to believe in the beauty of the impossible. But when the heart of a child comes to us and in us, we live again. And since you are this child, you are going to become my successor. Come with me and I will give to you the two badges of the true royalty. Here they are. Point it on the injustice and you will defeat it. No, Father of Goodness, I don't want some. I don't want to be a king. I want to save my friend. Hey well, it will help you. Take it. And now, I return you homage, because you are a king and all in our kingdom belongs to you, except this carpet that I keep for me. Because on this carpet who flies when one tells to him: "Vole, carpet", I will go until the paradise when the hour will have sounded. He/it is said, by Allah's grace, that he/it was a king among the kings, master of the weapons, of the armies, and of the vessels, a main oppressor of the time and the people. The earth was a punishment for his/her/its topics. They complained in secret and were punished on the place of the market. But a sage among the
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