opened the bottle. You are an ungrateful. A slave is not thankful. Not for his/her/its liberty. Listen: The one thousand first years, I promised to make the one who would free me a very rich man, but the one thousand following years I promised to revenge me and to kill the one that would free me to pacify my hate. Are you ready? Wait! Before dying, then me... Then me to ask you a question? Put it. How makes itself him that a mountain as you yours in one so small bottle? You were not really in, do say? - I was of it. - No. - I was of it! - You were not there. Do you dare to doubt? I am going to die soon and I dare all. I say that it is impossible. Impossible? I don't believe you. I will never believe you. Nothing will make me believe that. Nothing! To less that I see you making. Dog of infidel, you will know that nothing I am not impossible! You will see it and you will believe it! There you are really, bag to wind! Let me leave! You benefitted from this because you were big. Let me leave! Coming down from flatulence! To let take you? I am going to return you to the sea. Forever! Mercy, oh my master! What do you say? My good master! Repeat again. Good master, I will grant you three wishes. Three wishes? I will grant them. Do you swear it? I swear it. By king Salomon, Mr. of the Geniuses? By king Salomon, Mr. of the Geniuses. Oath that no one can break. You won't threaten, nor won't shout? No, master. Don't redo as much noise as before, you had frightened me. Mr., speak and I will obey. It is better, you learned the good manners. I am hungry. Зhas stopped to think. I would like some sausages as home. Your sausages... master. It was your first vow. You have two of them. Which? Not so quickly. I must be prudent. Again two... Do you know this that I wish? To know where is Ahmad. For it it is necessary to have the universal eye. Give it to me. I can you there to take, but I won't be able to steal it. To steal it? I will handle it! What did you steal ever? The key of the lock, the ring of the finger, the genius's strength... And the liar's language. The one that will steal the eye of the goddess cannot be a boaster but a hero. I always dreamed to be a hero. Hang yourselves to my hair. Don't forget that it is not a vow. There I am rather helping you. Yes, master. Genius! I am afraid! What hero... Зdoes have gone, master? Yes, he/it seems me. Where are we? Above the roof of the world. Does the world have a roof? A sustained roof by seven pillars. Pillars that rest on the shoulders of a huge genius who is standing on an eagle hung to a bull who overlaps a fish who swims in the sea of the eternity. Where do we go? On the summit of the highest mountain, where the earth joins the sky, to the temple of the dawn, where is the goddess of Light whose head shelters the universal eye. Now, boasting, you are going to be able to be a thief and a hero at a time. A hero! Genius! Come me out of there! Quickly! To the help! Is it the universal eye? In 2 000 years she/it will have another one. While waiting, she/it will ignore all of the men. How to see where is Ahmad? Watch well! Yes, it is Ahmad! To the help! My vow is to join it. I obey, small master of the world. Hang yourselves well, one has the half of the world to clear. Don't be afraid, Ahmad! It is I, Abu! Put me on the floor! Mildly! Clumsy! Useless! Allah, mercy! It is a true genius! He/it is mine and I am his/her/its master. I am your master, this is not? Speak and I will obey, oh master. He/it took me and he/it is going to come us out of here. Why does he/it laugh like that? To reason of his/her/its excessive size. The boredom it is that it is necessary still to scream. Hey you, up there! What do you have to laugh? I will be soon free. Come us out of here. Is it the 3rd vow? Not again. He/it is big
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