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Багдадский вор

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the silly and the roguish.
Your grandfather had learned it.
Make as him,
one evening, when the night falls,
leave the palace,
mingle yourselves to the crowd,
enter at people,
listen, observe,
and remember of it.
Tonight, Jaffar.
Tonight, my king.
Your people, my king.
I am near to him.
Observe and remember.
He/it is said,
by Allah's grace,
that he/it was a king
among the kings,
master of the weapons,
of the armies and vessels,
a main oppressor
of the time and the people.
The earth was a punishment
for his/her/its topics.
What does he/it say?
I don't know.
Does he/it speak of the king?
Don't ask any questions.
The spies swarm.
It is necessary to be prudent in Baghdad.
I am a stranger,
you can tell myself
of what he/it speaks.
He/it speaks of hope,
of a prophecy
about a liberator.
Only the silly believe there.
A liberator...
Not so much as Ahmad will be a king.
They complained in secret
and were punished
on the place of the market.
But a sage among the sages
announced them this prophecy:
"With time,
a liberator will come.
"ll will be the humblest
"of the humble
and will appear on the clouds."
"We will observe them! "
tells people,
"But if the Almighty
is not able to anything,
"what will he/it be able to there, him"?
The visionary answered:
"Have confidence in Allah,
"because in the sky
you will see a boy
"of the humblest,
overlapping a cloud.
"Cloud as strong
that a rock under snow
"from where he/it will shoot the arrow
who will hit the tyrant."
The tyrant's name?
I dream of a miracle.
That he/it dies today.
Stop it.
Throw it in jail.
If he/it tells himself/itself king,
call it madman.
Kill anyone
comes to his/her/its help.
I understood then
that he/it was bad.
He/it had deceived me
to trap me better.
One threw me in jail...
and there, my life began indeed
because I knew there
the one that became my only friend,
the small thief of Baghdad.
One doesn't throw
that the small in jail.
No, not the jail!
Advance, thief!
First cut him the hands,
then the legs
and finally the head.
I don't want to die!
Tomorrow morning.
As for the mad,
our sultan is generous,
only the head.
To the sunrise.
You became madman.
Me? Would I be mad?
It is you the mad.
Are you indeed?
It is that, I am mad.
I must be he.
The maddest
of the mad of the palace.
You are mad, really mad.
What imports?
Tomorrow, unless the sun
don't rise, one will die.
The thief and the mad...
I don't want to die.
You are not mad
and we will survive maybe
at dawn.
We will have died at dawn!
To the dawn,
we will take a boat
and we will go toward the sea.
I never saw the sea
but I heard
of the sailors to speak of it.
There are fish
big as the temple
and of others, small as my finger,
with wings.
There are some boats
as big as Baghdad,
to the veils
big as clouds
and that spin
as quickly as of the antelopes
until the islands of the Indies
and of China.
The Indies and China...
Whereas we are in jail.
The ax will fall at dawn.
And you pretend
not to be mad!
It is the key of the jail.
Give it to me!
One is not able to
to leave now.
- Why?
- Wait.
They are going to eat
and after them will fall asleep.
Then one will leave.
Quickly, take this paddle!
Pass me the rope!
Do you want us to make kill?
You believe
what they would have mercy?
If the king knew,
would not he/it have mercy?
The king was a silly.
I hope that he/it suffers to death.
Do you hate it so much?
Everybody hated it.
So only
I could hold it there,
I would tell to him
my way of thinking.
Tell it to me,
I am king Ahmad.
King Ahmad died yesterday.
Jaffar is the new king.
would never have sent
the whole care
for me all alone.
Mercy, master.
I am your slave.
Punish me slightly
and I will pay for double tax.
How are you called?
Abu the thief,
son of Abu the thief,
grandson of Abu the thief.
Last of ten
Багдадский вор Багдадский вор

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- текст Вовка в Тридевятом царстве на английском
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- текст Лиловый шар на английском
- текст Котёнок по имени Гав на английском
- текст Ночь зайца на английском

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