THE THIEF OF BAGDAD I never knew why the men came back of the sea The sea is cruel, but the sea is pure That the immense sea is pure Must come of the fact that the men in sea Are few and very distant She/it never caused to me that of the sufferings And yet I wonder why the men come back of the sea The sea is cruel, but the sea is pure Oh, poor brunette earth So much kindness you could have dispensed Of good news of the princess? No, master. Dead? Still sleepy. Did you obey me? Yes, master. The blind? One found it. The charity, for Allah's love. The charity, for Allah's love. Does your illegitimate child dare to bark? Beautiful gratitude, in truth! Your piece is false. Then you cheat, malandrin. A blind cannot make the difference. Alas, I see drop there. It is my dog. How a dog can he/it know? Verify. By Allah's prodigies! She/it is false and I ignored it. Approach, amateur of trunks of trees and unearth the false piece. It is not a dog but the Large reincarnate Treasurer! Oh you to that Allah fills the eyes of all these beauties, dedicate a thought to the one for that these marvels sank in the eternal night. The charity, for Allah's love. The charity, for Allah's love. Bring it to me. Pray for me, I am called Halima. I don't know you. Does one know all his/her/its friends? I don't have some. You will trust to the one that offers you food and rest in his/her/its house? What is mine is yours. In return for what? Of your prayers. It is little strong. Take my hand. My dog sees for me. He/it gives to me more that he/it doesn't receive in return. This sleep pass my understanding. But when the blind will come, she/it will come out of the sleep. Йtrange that he/it can succeed where we fail. He/it will heal it and I will hunt it. But she/it likes the blind. The lisp of two children is he/it the love? She/it ignores all of the love. I am going to teach it to him. Poor blind. And even poorer than it. Impossible. One is not veiled. My eyes are... veiled. What is your name? Ahmad. You don't have need anymore to beg. - Nor to wander. - Remains with us! Sovereigns, I know you beautiful but would not know to stop before having recovered my beloved. The seers often pass their life without finding it. Remain. Our physicians will heal you maybe. Sink perspective... You speak by enigmas. I go to put you on the way. He/it was a king, son of king, and of hundred kings. His/her/its topics were numerous, his/her/its huge fortune and his/her/its power, absolute. This dog was not a dog, but a kid of Baghdad who became dear to the king. Then, he/it was again that a small thief. That you to sniff have my fish, manant? Go-t'en! Do I call the care? To the thief! Stop it! King Ahmad, son of Akbar, grandson of Haroun-Al-Raschid, the Large, the lllustre, Lord of the Earth, Defender of the Faith, Servant of the Almighty and Mr. of all men. Ahmad, the king! Ahmad, the king... Alas, I was this man. I possessed 365 women but my heart ignored the love. I had 50 palaces, without being at home. Although rich, I was poorer than the poor people. All desire satisfies removed me all other desire. I didn't find anything to make in my vast kingdom. I was without projects, without goals, because my big vizir Jaffar interfered between me and my people. Again an execution... For what misdemeanor? He/it thought, my Lord and master. Is this a crime? It is unforgivable for a topic. Is it necessary to govern by the fear? The man is bad, hateful, lying and traitorous in the soul. You will learn, big king, that the man only respect three things: the whip that stings, the yoke that suppresses and the sword that kills. By the terror that they trigger, you will be able to conquer the earth. Do I want only of it? What would you like to make? I would like to make they happy. Happy? It is not that of
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