me for saying something so stupid. Actually, I feel the same way. I've decided to remain a widow. But Mother... Your father was enough for me. He'll always be by my side. I'm fine as I am. I don't want to climb that mountain again. I've had enough. But Mother... It's really all right. You needn't worry about me. Marry Mr. Goto. Nothing would give me more joy than seeing you happy with someone you love. It's okay if you forget about me. I'll never be Ionely. But how can I leave you alone in that apartment? Don't worry about that. You can't go on living with me in that apartment forever. Sure, it's a familiar life without surprises, but you're young and have your whole life ahead of you. You can't imagine what happiness awaits you. Marry Mr. Goto. I can look after myself just fine. Please do as I ask. And please don't think I lied just so you would marry. You understand, don't you? We've had such a nice time on this trip. Do you remember when we were evacuated here during the war? Your father would come back every Sunday. Everything was scarce back then, but he'd always bring a gift for you. He was a good father. This will probably be our last trip together. Be happy. You're beginning a new life, and so am I. I'll always remember our meals here together. Autumn leaves in every hue Of yellow and red Float down the stream Woven like brocade GOTO AND MIWA WEDDING All ready. Move a bit closer to her. Ready. One more. Sake for this room, please. The weather was great, and everything went off without a hitch. It was perfect. We blundered our way to this day, but it was fun. Yeah, it was fun. A toast to the bride? And to Miwa and Akiko too. Cheers. To be honest, I didn't find it all that fun. It wasn't that bad. Our main goal was to see Ayako happy, and we did. I have no problem with that. But I feel a bit exploited! At least you two got a pipe out of it! You mean this here? But you got something even better... dreams. What good are dreams? You know, it's people who complicate life. Life itself is surprisingly simple. Maybe for you two! The shocker, though, was that girl at the sushi place. Yeah, but she was lots of fun. Girls like that are good sometimes. The sentimental types are trouble. But it's no good if they're too hard-nosed. I have a daughter to worry about. Being a parent is such a pain. But what will Akiko do now all alone? Haven't you given up yet? Oh, don't worry, I have. So you don't itch anymore? No, I itch just as much as before! Well, it was fun while it lasted. I'm a little sad that it's over. What'll we do now? How about your daughter? She's about marrying age. Not yet. And I certainly wouldn't ask you two for help! More? - There's some whiskey too. - This is fine. It sure was fun. Mrs. Miwa, are you already in bed? Yuriko? I came to see how you were. We all went to the Ginza afterward. This is for you. Thank you. Ayako looked so beautiful today with her hair Japanese-style. Really? She didn't like it. It was very nice. May I stop in from time to time to see you? Yes, of course. Please do. I mean it. I'm glad to see you're all right. I'm just fine. I was so happy today, thanks to you all. Ayako's a lucky girl! It's true. She's lucky to have such a nice mother. Well, I'll be going now. Thanks for coming all this way. Good night. Good-bye. THE END Translation by KERIM YASAR for SUBTEXT SUBTITLING
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