Ayako, where are you going? Where are you going? Leave me alone! I hate you! Thanks for waiting. - Squid, please. - And for the lady? - More tea. - Coming up. Welcome. Welcome. Is Yuriko in? Yes, she is. Yuriko! Miss Miwa's here. - Coming. Just a moment. Hi there. Come on up, but it's a mess. Here you are. More clams, sir? Yes, please. You must love clams. Yeah, clams are the best. I'm addicted to 'em. Tastiest of all seafood. - You want octopus? - No, I've had enough octopus. Clams for me! More tender clams. And red shellfish. And what did you say? I said I hated the idea. Besides, he's my father's friend. It's filthy. That's why you walked out? It's just so dirty. That's what this is about? I still remember Father very vividly, but Mother seems to have forgotten him. I'll never be able to forgive that. I understand how you feel, but aren't you being a little selfish? What? Try to see her point of view. What do you mean? After all, she's a woman too. Try to understand. What do you mean? You have someone you like. Why can't she? Isn't that selfish? If it were me, I'd just ignore it. It wouldn't bother you? Why should it? She's still your mother. But it's not happening to you. You're wrong. I was fine when Father remarried. That doesn't mean I've forgotten Mother. I can still see her clearly if I close my eyes. Sure, my dad's kind of an animal. But who cares? He's still my father. I can't think that way. It'll happen whether you do or not. The world isn't as pure as you think. You're acting like a baby. Yuriko, this is for you. Thank you. Would you like some? Come on. I'm going home. Weren't you going to stay the night? I'm going home. Eat a bit first. No, thanks. You're really leaving? Then go, you big baby! Fine! Where have you been? Leaving so suddenly like that... I was worried sick. Where did you go? What are you so angry about? There must be some mistake. What did Mr. Mamiya tell you? What do you think I'm hiding from you? I have nothing to conceal. You're the one keeping secrets. Like what? About Mr. Goto. You didn't tell me. You have a boyfriend. I've been waiting for you to tell me. I heard he's a nice young man. I was secretly happy for you. Why didn't you tell me? Good morning. See you later. Good morning. Did you work things out with your mother last night? Are you still angry? Fine, be that way! Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... Thank you. You mustn't quarrel with your mother. I lost my mother when I was young. I look back on the fights we had and feel badly. It's painful to remember them. Back home in Fushimi, we had these traditional lucky clay figures. We'd line them up on the kitchen shelf... Something wrong? I was in my third year of junior high. I'd get angry over the stupidest things. Once, in a fit of anger, I broke all the figures. I still remember the look on her face. It was nothing serious... but when I got home later that day, she didn't prepare dinner for me. She died that autumn. Really? So you'd do better not to quarrel. It's not good. You're right. Who's there? Good evening. Oh, hello. Is Ayako home? Not yet. But do come in. Please have a seat. Where do you think she went? No idea. I think I might know. She told me a lot last night. So she was at your place? Yes. She told me you're going to remarry. Not you too! I called her a baby for getting so upset. I'm sure you have your reasons. I suppose I do. She's being unfair. She just thinks about herself, then criticizes you. I told her so. She wouldn't even talk to me at work today. That's why I've come. To tell you the truth, I think she's crazy. Why? If I were her, I'd be eager to see you remarry. Really? Why? I know it sounds bad, but then I could marry without worrying about you. Maybe you're right. Sure! Who wouldn't think the same thing?
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