That's beside the point. How would you feel about it? Depends on the bride. Do I know her? Who is she? Tell me. Stop hiding it. - I'm not hiding it. Then who is she? You know Mrs. Miwa? Oh, her? She'd be great! I approve. You do? You bet! Did you say no? Well, yes. That was stupid! Why'd you do that? - Really? - Absolutely. - Then you approve? - Of course. I've been hoping for a while now that you'd remarry. Why? If I get married, you'll be alone, and you'll probably want to live with us. You'll get in the way, and it'll be tough on my wife. Why, you... And you wouldn't be happy either. So marry Mrs. Miwa. It's your big chance. My big chance? - But is she willing? - I don't know yet. You don't know yet? You need some self-confidence! You really approve? Sure! I'm all for it. I see. Dad, you seem to have cheered up. Please. What is it? Nothing special. Nice weather again today, eh? Yes, it's been holding up. Yes, very nicely. Did you feel the earthquake last night? Was there one? I didn't feel it. Yes, there was. But just a small one. What's on your mind today? What we spoke about last time. - What? - At the golf club. The job for that student? No, in the clubhouse. Remind me. About Mrs. Miwa remarrying. Did you find a suitable candidate? Well... I've been thinking it over. - Thinking what over? - Well... what you said that day. My son is in favor too. And what was that? You know. I don't have the foggiest. Stop playing dumb. Seriously, has Taguchi gone to see her yet? I don't know. You didn't seem too willing the other day. That's true. But it's quite inconvenient living alone. Inconvenient? You have your housekeeper. That's true. Still, there are certain things... You mean... an itch you can't scratch? Yeah, you might say that. So you suddenly started to itch? I guess. So this itch you're feeling... what do you mean to do about it? Well, in other words... I mean, you... I guess... tell her... Isn't Taguchi a better choice? No, he's a blabbermouth. I'd like you to do it. - Me? Yes, if you wouldn't mind. I see. Get me Mr. Taguchi of Nitto Electric. You sure he's the best choice? Don't worry. Besides, he's already going. - But everything he touches... - Falls to pieces? What's that? He's gone out? - He wasn't in. - I see. - I'll tell him. - Please do it soon. Is the itch that bad? Well, even at our age, it's a bit embarrassing. - Where are you going? - To the washroom. Welcome. Welcome. - Well? - Where's Hirayama? Not here yet. Did you see her? How'd it go? Things have taken a strange turn. Whiskey for me too, please. With water. I'd like a refill. What "strange turn"? It's utterly hopeless. She has no interest in remarrying. All she did was talk about her dead husband. Did you mention Ayako and Goto? I did. And? She just said, "Oh, really?" And smiled. Really? Did you talk about Hirayama? How could I? She kept raving about Miwa. Even got a little weepy on me. - So you didn't mention Hirayama? - No. Sorry to keep you waiting. But Hirayama's serious. You know, she'd be wasted on him. She's so beautiful. You should have seen her on the verge of tears. Really? Like a delicate flower battered by a rainstorm. She peeled an apple for me with those lovely white hands. Did you eat it? Yes. It was delicious. And she gave me this. - Why did you really go see her? - What do you mean? What about Hirayama? It's no use. Let's give up for now. - But he's in a hurry. - What am I supposed to do? Have him use some Mentholatum on that itch of his. There's nothing we can do. In that case, let's give up for now. Yes, let's give up. Welcome. Here he comes. I'm a little late. What'll you have? Oh, anything. I see. Take these too. Taguchi, did you go see her? Yes, I went. - Did you speak to her for me? - Yes, I did. How'd it go? Well... you shouldn't rush
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