saw. There aren't any cliffs. It's very safe. I hope so. You wanted to do some shopping. Shall we go? You need needles, right? And one of the seven Ts. What? Ah, you mean tarako cod roe. Check, please. Mother, really, I'll pay tonight. That's all right. You can pay next time. Tired, Mother? Yes, but it was fun. - Oh, I forgot. - What? Bouillon cubes. It's okay. Somebody else will bring some. Are we all out? Only three left. You're just like your father! How so? You like to be fully equipped wherever you go. Your father even took pumice stones to the hot springs. To scrape the soles of his feet... I remember that. Let's go to the hot springs again. Do you remember when we went to Shuzenji Temple, and all the carp in the pond at the inn? They gobbled up all the peanuts I threw in. The next morning those carp were dead... puffy and white. That really scared me, but Father just laughed. That was our last trip with him. The maple leaves were so beautiful. - Shall we save up for a trip? - To where? All over. We'll buy an excursion pass. We can even visit Uncle in Ikaho. Yes, let's do that. Once you get married, we won't get the chance. That again! Are you that anxious to marry me off? No, but you have to marry eventually. No, I don't. I'm happy just as I am. But Mother, if I did find someone, what would you do? What do you mean? Would you be Ionely? I'd miss you, but it can't be helped. I'd have to make do. It was the same with my mother. That's how it is with parents and children. Mother, shall we turn in for the night? Yes. You've got an early day tomorrow. I really enjoyed myself today. - Pon. - Already? Ah, I'm getting close. Reach! Reach! That was fast. - Did you discard this? - Yes. - Then I discard this. - That's it! On the nose. With two doubles... that's 384. How can you clean out the bridegroom like that? Don't worry. I already gave them my gift. Why'd I lug these mahjong tiles here? Madam, your husband-to-be is in tears. Don't make him cry too much. Spoken like a true wife. What's the ideogram for "refreshing"? Your fiancй's not refreshing, he's depressing. It's written... I just wrote it phonetically. Miss Miwa, I hear you turned down Goto. What? Goto of Sanwa Trading. I ran into him in Shinjuku. He said you turned him down. That's just not true. He's a nice guy. Give him a chance. You've got it wrong. I never rejected him. What are you talking about? Nothing. You just keep an eye on your husband. Why'd you reject such a nice guy? Shall I set you two up again? That's all right. I'll introduce you. Don't be shy. It's almost time. There must be lots of newlyweds on the trains. It's an auspicious date. I wonder how she feels. Will they be seated face-to-face or side by side? However they please, the lucky stiffs! Here it comes. What's with her? She promised to wave her bouquet. Did she forget? No, she promised so many times. Maybe she felt awkward. And why weren't we invited to her reception? We should have been. She's probably forgotten us. We all joined the company at the same time. We were so close. Yes, but people grow apart over time. Then marriage is the worst. Are men like that too? I don't know. If our friendship ended because one of us got married, I'd be miserable. Marriage is the worst. You're right. Making fools of us! Sorry to keep you waiting. It looks like it will be a nice day tomorrow. I sure hope so. See you. Thanks for coming in. Welcome. Welcome. Some water and a cup of coffee. Fancy meeting you here. Ayako, where did you two go? The movies. The movies, eh? Will you join me? - But... - Is he with you? - The thing is... - Got somewhere else to go? No, I was just going home. I'll be going now. Good night. Ayako, you're not going with him? No, I'm not. Then please sit down. Thanks for waiting. - Something to
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