highly of him. Seems like a capable young man. He was going to mention him at the memorial service. He'd like a picture of you. Mother. What? Please decline the offer. Why? It'll be harder to refuse once we get his picture. And don't give him mine. Black tea? - Fine. Is there someone else? Absolutely not! Then why not consider him? They're all so concerned about you. You should be grateful. I know, but I'm fine just as I am. But... Don't worry. I'm just not ready to marry. Not ready to marry? Come sit down. What? - I want the truth. - What? Are you sure there isn't someone else? I'd tell you if there were. Why would I hide it? Well, in that case... I'm fine as I am for now. You must decline their offer. - Are you sure? I'm sure. It's all right. Let's shake on it. The water's boiling. If I really love someone, I'll marry him. The longer we have together, the better. KUWATA DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Just a minute. Like that. That will be all for today. If you have any questions, please come see me anytime. Is class over? Do you have a moment? Thank you for everything. Please have a seat. Have you said anything? - Not yet. - Then please ask her. - Why don't you do it? Very well. I will. Akiko. What about him? Who is he? We thought he might be a suitable match for your daughter. Isn't his nose a bit crooked? That's just the light in that picture. Well... What? I appreciate it, but Ayako doesn't want to marry yet. He's no good anyway. But he's from a good family. Like I told you, it's the man, not the family. What a pity! Not at all. He never had a chance, right? I wouldn't say that. Ayako also declined to meet Mr. Mamiya's candidate. Why? She says she's not ready. Really? Or do you just want to keep her around? It's not that. She ought to marry. The men get worse the longer you wait. I married late... but I still did okay. - Yes? - A call for Mrs. Miwa. Please put it through. - I'm sorry. - Not at all. Hello? Ayako? Yes, it's me. Yes, I can meet you. What time? That's fine. Let's meet in front of the Wako department store. I'll stop by and see Mr. Mamiya first. All right. Mr. Ishii can't get the day off either, and he bought a map already. Why? His boss is mean. - So now we're down to seven people? - Right. I want to buy some shoes. Come with me? I can't today. I have an appointment. A date? Do you actually date? No, I'm meeting my mother. Is that all? Sounds boring. Please go in. Thanks for coming. Hello. I brought you the pipe. The pipe? Ah, yes. Thanks a lot. What is it? Here you are. This will do fine. Could you bring me the file? Wait a moment. This is the young lady who turned you down. I see. Ayako, this is the man I had in mind. My name's Goto. Excuse me. Mr. Mamiya, how could you? What? That was so mean. It was the truth. But... So are you willing to reconsider? No. Here's the pipe. Ayako, wait. I hear you work at Toko Trading. Do you know Sugiyama in accounting? We were classmates. Please give him my best. Excuse me. WAKAMATSU RESTAURANT Thank you for waiting. I'm so full! Is there any beer left? Oh, yes. I guess we shouldn't waste it. It's empty after all. Thank you for waiting! You know... we won't get chances like this once you're married. Don't worry. I'm not getting married... not for a while. But you will eventually. Meanwhile, let's eat out at different restaurants at least once a month. That was delicious. Yes, let's, even if only once every two months. Well, maybe every three months. Let me pay tonight. That's all right. You need money for your hiking trip. You bought so much already. Don't worry about that. I worked out my budget. How nice for them to have a hiking trip instead of a wedding shower... unthinkable in my day. They both like climbing. I'll bet it was Yuriko's idea. Careful you don't fall off a cliff like in the movie we
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