you. Please sit down. I also called on Mr. Hirayama and Mr. Taguchi. I see. Did Taguchi have any news regarding Ayako? I'm afraid he was too late. - He's already taken? - Yes. That's just like him. He's always been like that. Miwa used to complain that Taguchi was always late for appointments. But then I was the late one the other day. I'm sure having you all there must have pleased my husband. Say, have you had lunch? No, but I'm fine. Shall we have lunch? Though the food's just so-so... - I'm afraid at 2:00... - What? These days I'm helping out at my friend's dressmaking school. French embroidery and such. You teach that? Yes, though I'm not very good at it. That must be hard. Well, in that case, I can take you there in my car. Shall we go? I'm going out. Have the car ready. THE EEL - A little more? - No, thank you. You're sure? Did you notice the fellow who greeted me at the elevator? No, I'm afraid I didn't. About my height, with hair hanging over like this? No, I really didn't notice. Well, he doesn't exactly stand out in a crowd. He's a fine man, a hard worker. When we were talking about Ayako, he immediately came to mind. But Taguchi was so certain he had a sure thing. Mr. Taguchi is very amusing. Too amusing! Everything he touches turns into a farce. He's a lot of fun to have around. Anyway, I don't remember where the young man graduated from. He joined our firm four or five years ago. He doesn't look that athletic, but he's captain of our basketball team. What do you think? Sounds very good. Should I arrange a meeting? Or shall I send you his picture and resumй? Yes, maybe that's best. Sorry to keep you waiting. Here you are. - I'll send them soon. - Thank you. Could you spare a picture of Ayako? Do you always smoke a pipe? Both a pipe and cigarettes. My husband was fond of his pipes. I still have a few at home. You're welcome to them. I'd like that very much. I can't say how good they are, but he bought them in England. I'm sure they must be very good. He was picky about such things. Then I'll send them over. Thank you so much. Please help yourself. Thank you. Coming! Here you are, Father. I think it's a good choice. - What? Mr. Goto is really swell. You think so? Of course. I'd marry him in a minute. Where did he graduate from? Waseda. Political economy. Below azure skies... Where's he from? Fushimi. Son of a sake brewer. Could you please be quiet? - Leave us now. - Why? Go on. You go upstairs too. Go on now. Waseda, Waseda Goto is the best candidate, isn't he? I think so too. Let's invite him over. You talk with him and get his picture and resumй. All right. But if Ayako gets married, Akiko will be left all alone. She'll get by somehow. She'll have no choice. Is Akiko as beautiful as ever? Yes, very beautiful. But I like Ayako more. She's so pure. Oh, really? Taguchi still prefers Akiko. But so do you. Who? Akiko. Nonsense. Taguchi's the one who likes her. He's always liked her. Really? And you haven't? Not particularly. Oh? Then why'd you buy all that medicine? - What? - All that medicine. Who? You. Was it bandages or Antifebrin? Who told you all this nonsense? Taguchi's wife? Now I know why you never catch cold. All that medicine still has an effect. I'm home. Welcome home. Mother, have you had dinner? My boss took me out. - I waited a while. - Did you? I bought a cake on the way home. - Will you have some now? - Maybe later. I'm exhausted. I ran around all day. Oh, about Mr. Taguchi's prospect... it fell through. Really? Why? The man's spoken for. Mr. Taguchi's always doing things like that. It's true. But there's someone else. A replacement so soon? Who is it this time? A nice young man who works for Mr. Mamiya's firm. I see. He's sending us a picture and resumй. I'll heat some water. Mr. Mamiya spoke very
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