a pipe and cigarettes. My husband was fond of his pipes. I still have a few at home. You're welcome to them. I'd like that very much. I can't say how good they are, but he bought them in England. I'm sure they must be very good. He was picky about such things. Then I'll send them over. Thank you so much. Please help yourself. Thank you. Coming! Here you are, Father. I think it's a good choice. - What? Mr. Goto is really swell. You think so? Of course. I'd marry him in a minute. Where did he graduate from? Waseda. Political economy. Below azure skies... Where's he from? Fushimi. Son of a sake brewer. Could you please be quiet? - Leave us now. - Why? Go on. You go upstairs too. Go on now. Waseda, Waseda Goto is the best candidate, isn't he? I think so too. Let's invite him over. You talk with him and get his picture and resumй. All right. But if Ayako gets married, Akiko will be left all alone. She'll get by somehow. She'll have no choice. Is Akiko as beautiful as ever? Yes, very beautiful. But I like Ayako more. She's so pure. Oh, really? Taguchi still prefers Akiko. But so do you. Who? Akiko. Nonsense. Taguchi's the one who likes her. He's always liked her. Really? And you haven't? Not particularly. Oh? Then why'd you buy all that medicine? - What? - All that medicine. Who? You. Was it bandages or Antifebrin? Who told you all this nonsense? Taguchi's wife? Now I know why you never catch cold. All that medicine still has an effect. I'm home. Welcome home. Mother, have you had dinner? My boss took me out. - I waited a while. - Did you? I bought a cake on the way home. - Will you have some now? - Maybe later. I'm exhausted. I ran around all day. Oh, about Mr. Taguchi's prospect... it fell through. Really? Why? The man's spoken for. Mr. Taguchi's always doing things like that. It's true. But there's someone else. A replacement so soon? Who is it this time? A nice young man who works for Mr. Mamiya's firm. I see. He's sending us a picture and resumй. I'll heat some water. Mr. Mamiya spoke very highly of him. Seems like a capable young man. He was going to mention him at the memorial service. He'd like a picture of you. Mother. What? Please decline the offer. Why? It'll be harder to refuse once we get his picture. And don't give him mine. Black tea? - Fine. Is there someone else? Absolutely not! Then why not consider him? They're all so concerned about you. You should be grateful. I know, but I'm fine just as I am. But... Don't worry. I'm just not ready to marry. Not ready to marry? Come sit down. What? - I want the truth. - What? Are you sure there isn't someone else? I'd tell you if there were. Why would I hide it? Well, in that case... I'm fine as I am for now. You must decline their offer. - Are you sure? I'm sure. It's all right. Let's shake on it. The water's boiling. If I really love someone, I'll marry him. The longer we have together, the better. KUWATA DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Just a minute. Like that. That will be all for today. If you have any questions, please come see me anytime. Is class over? Do you have a moment? Thank you for everything. Please have a seat. Have you said anything? - Not yet. - Then please ask her. - Why don't you do it? Very well. I will. Akiko. What about him? Who is he? We thought he might be a suitable match for your daughter. Isn't his nose a bit crooked? That's just the light in that picture. Well... What? I appreciate it, but Ayako doesn't want to marry yet. He's no good anyway. But he's from a good family. Like I told you, it's the man, not the family. What a pity! Not at all. He never had a chance, right? I wouldn't say that. Ayako also declined to meet Mr. Mamiya's candidate. Why? She says she's not ready. Really? Or do you just want to keep her around? It's not that. She ought to
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