as good as you say. Isn't the boss in today? -He happened to go out. -Yeah, and what about miss? She... The daughter here is most pretty. How I hope you guys could see her. Yuri, is it proper for you to come here but not go home? Take it easy, I can go home myself. And it is you who have to take care. What would you like to have? -Where's wine, I want to drin. -Just a moment. And what would you two like to eat? Which is better here? Everything is good. Is it? Then serve us all of them. -Ok. -We can't eat up all of them. Yes we can. They are delicious. So do as I told you. Ok. Hirayama, I will try my best to persuade Aunty Miwa. And, can you really treat her with your heart? Yeah, I will. -From now on? I mean forever. -Yeah, I can. -You look so happy. -It is destined. Sorry for the delay, here is the hot ones. However, Hirayama, it is so exciting, is isn't? Thank you so much. I am so grateful for our friendship. The final decision hasn't been made yet. -Don's say that again. -Sorry, I am late. But, will you love Aunty forever, I mean it. Yes I will. -Really, I mean forver. -Yeah. This uncle is so wonderful, please leave him here. Such a happy guy. -Welcome. -Ah, you are back. -It is so late. -Yeah. -Yuri, it seems that you often come here. -Yeah. -Now and then? -Yeah, everyday. Everyday? -Yuri, do you still need to go to work today? -Yeah, from this afternoon. -Mr. Sugiyama just called. -What did he say? He didn't say anything since you were not here. Is this your home? Yeah, the woman was my mother. And I am the daughter. It is so amazing. Help yourself, Uncle, but you still have to pay for what you ate. Of course I will. -Serve everything as you can, as well as wine. -Ok. The ladies now are so elusory. -They are so canny. Please serve me sashimi. -Ok. -I'd like clam too. -Ok. -But Uncle, I am not joking. -I also mean it, I will love her. Not this matter, I mean that you have to pay. I will. Sure I will. -Please give me red shellfish. -Ok. -So it is why Miwa asked for a holiday. -It is said that he has gone travelling. It is so good that they are together again. At the first, Ayako was troubled by this matter, but now she seems to recover from this. This has made me think of the kindness of one's own mother. Isn't your family beatific? She is a qualified mother. So she is. But there's still something different. I haven't been frankly to her till now. Is it the case? Can't you find this? That means I have behaved properly. -I am throwing it to you. -Thank you. Where has Ayako gone today? I am a little envy of her. Well, I remember it, we must go to the hill to have a send-off party. Let's ask Goto to go together. Ok, let's go. It is so exciting to climb hill under such a beautiful weather, so don't stay in the company. You are right. Ayako, are you sleepy? Not yet. It is crowded here, isn't it noisy? But wherever to go, you will see travelling scholars and no places left in the hotels. There's always someone running into the wrong room with slippers. Is it? Then you can't have a good sleep. -But it is exiting. -Is it? Then it is good. Excuse me. Sir, the travelling scholars are waiting for you in the counting room. Is is true? Ok, I am coming. However, it is so cheering. Ayako finally found a good husband who you like too. Besides the marriage of Ayako, I am worrying about you. -I am sorry for troubling you. -No at all. It is wonderful. It is time you had a rest. I am leaving. -Good night. -Good night. Night. What about him, has he gone to bed? -Ayako, will you please come here? -Ok. It is quiet now. Have the travelling scholars gone to sleep? It is joyful to travel for learning, but it is really troublesome the night before going back. And it is also disappointed, thinking that it is the last day. Has Mama any experiences like this? What's the matter? Ayako. Did you say that
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