she will also do that. -She's bothersome. -So she is. But what is she unsatisfied for? Isn't it perfect? What? Mr. Hirayama is a college professor, moreover, he is Uncle's old friend, he knows you better. Isn't it good? -But, Yuri, didn't you make a mistake? -No, that sounds good. What's good? You're wrong either. Doesn't Aunty know the matter about Mr. Hirayama. Don't pretend, Aunty needn't be so shy. What? I know nothing about that. Really? How could this happen? So, you didn't know this? I definitely never heard about that. So, it is too silly. -So, you didn't know anything about it? -Yeah. If it is the case, she's so annoying. You're back, and where have you been? Are you still angery? It is so ridiculous, since I am worrying about you. You're having a finger in my pie! It is time you went back. Ok, I'm going. What if she stay here tonight. No, Mama, I won't sleep together with her. -Ayako. -It's enough. She have to go. I'm going back. And good night, Aunty. -So? I'm sorry. -Never mind it. Nothing serious. -Bye. -Bye. -Sorry. -It doesn't matter. She's so self-will. Come in. Ah, it's Mr.Hirayama. What's wrong? Yeah, it is strange. -What's strange? -How can I explain it to you? What? -Anyway, can you help me to meet somebody? -Who? She's waiting for you in the meeting room. And Taguti has also come. Who is it? Who on earth? -What's on earth is the matter? -Eh. This one, she's a friend of Ayako. -My name is Sasaki Yuriko. -I'm Mamiya, please sit down. Please. Why should you say something that doesn't exist at all? -What? -The words about Aunty Miwa's marriage. Ah, yeah, it's that. How can you be surprised? Even Aunty herself doesn't know this. But you just said it to Ayako. Why should you do this? Ayako has been suffering from this. Why should you bother such a peaceful family? I have come for this, please give me an answer. Can't you? What's interesting about that? -I didn't mean that. -Then why? Then you're Ms.Yuriko? Sit down first. -No need, thanks, it's more relaxed to stand. -But... -Sit down please. -No. It's good that you've got a meeting room. Or I would have thought that I am in a college. -But, Ms.Yuri. -Please call me Yuriko. I am sorry. -I have explained this matter. -I am not asking you. Yeah. But Ms.Yuriko, do you have some negative points of view on Aunty Miwa's marrige? No, I don't. But it doesn't get in involved with your matter. Yes, it surely does. Ayako has always been like this. It seems that she won't get married until her mother does. Then why not say it clearly? Aunty knows the matter about this uncle, doesn't she? I just heard this from the lady. Then what on earth is the whole matter? Didn't you explain it for me? You keep silent first. -But... -Don't speak. You've made a mistake on the person you need to talk to. But for the bliss of Ayako, Aunty must get married first. Can you understand this? Yeah, but why should you choose this way? I'm so sorry for what has happened. I apologize. I apologize to you, too. -Please sit down. -Please. Now we must firstly make sure if Aunty herself wants to marry somebody. Sure she does, I've asked her about this. -Does she? -Yeah. Oh, that's quite good. Ms.Yuriko has helped a lot. Firstly, we will solve Aunty's problem, then Ayako's, ok? -That's ok. -Ok, good. -Just take a look at yourself, you're full of energy now. -Then what? But are you sure this uncle is the one Aunty loves? No, it isn't absolutely. Why, any problem? -Nothing, I don't think there's any problem. -Don't you? -It is good. -Is it? So, Hirayama, you're so appreciated. -Then you owe us a big meal. -It's fine, it's fine. -Where are you going? -W.C.. Thanks for coming. Welcome. Welcome. A bit far, is your home here? -Yeah, please serve us hot ones. -Ok. The most fleshy and fresh mackerel pike is in a shop at the parking lot. It is not
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