really ready to marry? She can't put if off any longer. When you married Miwa, you were... I was 20. Hear that, Aya? It's time you got married too. I agree. Absolutely. Aya, he's a fine young man. I believe he's 29. Architecture major. Works for the Obayashi Group. An interesting man. He sounds promising. I think he's a good prospect. Please do us the honor. Aya, it's about that time. Will you please excuse us? You're really leaving already? Yes, I'm afraid so. Sorry to trouble you all today. Thank you for everything. I'm sorry for speaking my mind so freely. Not at all. It was a pleasant time. Please excuse us. - See you next time. - Good-bye. Thank you. Thanks for your hospitality. Aya, will you think it over? She really is beautiful. I love talking to girls of that age. And the daughter's not bad either. Ah, you meant her mother? Hasn't changed a bit. Truly beautiful. Yes, she is. But her daughter's nice too. Sure, she's nice. On the other hand, Akiko is past 40 already. If given a choice, I'd take the mother. A fine woman. Yes, she is. - Are you serious? - Absolutely. It's true what they say about men with beautiful wives dying young. Miwa paid a steep price for his good fortune. She's grown even more attractive recently. You noticed too? How could I not? You gotta be dense not to feel it. I feel it. Just not as much as you guys. What's so funny? Is there any sake left? - Yes. I trust your husband's well, ma'am? He's fine, thank you. Of course. He'll probably live to a ripe old age. Who knows what makes for happiness in this world? Right, ma'am? - What's all this about? - Nothing. A long time ago, when we were goofing off at college... there was a drug store in Hongo. It's now a fruit shop. There was a pretty girl there. Taguchi had a crush on her. He was always buying bandages. Stop kidding around. You kept buying cold medicine, even when you didn't have a cold. You even bought Antifebrin. Hakari brand? The woman who left earlier was that girl. Oh, I thought those two were sisters. They're mother and daughter? She's really beautiful. What happened after that? - A sad story. - A tragic ending. It'll bring tears to your eyes. - Do you remember Mr. Miwa? - Not really. He came here once or twice. To make a long story short, he married her. Oh, dear. You men should've bought aphrodisiacs, not cold medicine. That's true. We didn't know about such things. Unlike youngsters today, we were pure and naПve. I wonder. Any sake left, Mr. Hirayama? - Yes. Would you bring me a soda? Sure. I'll be right back. Any husband of hers would live a long time. What was that? Nothing, just guy talk. What about that soda? Right away. Then again, a man married to her might die young. Her body's so sturdy! - Like a pro wrestler. If she got him in a head scissors... He'd never survive! His head would be crushed! Want some more? - Welcome back. - Hello. You're home early. - I thought you'd be back late. - Why? Weren't you with Mr. Mamiya and Mr. Hirayama? Akiko and Ayako came too. I see. - What's this? - It's Yoko's. - She's here again? - Yes, just got in. - Is Hidaka away on business? - No. It seems they had another argument. Problems with the mother-in-law again. - Did she quarrel with her? - No, that's not it. But still... young people should have a place of their own. I've always felt that way. - What a nuisance. She'll probably stay four or five days. Her suitcase is larger than usual. I wonder if they're all right. We're in trouble if they're not. Weren't you like that too? I guess I was. In marriage, you eventually just give up. That's true for both sides. Yoko needs to learn some patience. Marriage is really tedious when you think about it. You can't ask for too much. There'll be no end to it. - Would you like some tea over rice? - No, I'm full. Papa! Welcome home. - What
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