care. -Youngers now are worrying. -And mine too. Our time is better, we even long for a maiden opera... Yes, and "when lilac bloom" Now there're some crazy rockmusic, jamboree. It's fashion to dress motley. Hmm. -Good afternoon. -Welcome. We are talking about the marriage of Madam Miwa's daughter. Ah. It's better to introduce a good man to Ayako. I think there's no need to worry about Akiko's deuterogamy. It's your husband's suggest. Really? But he said it was Mr.Mamiya you. No, it's Taguti. -Who's it on earth?... -It's Taguti, of course. But it's said Akiko is beautiful. He said like this? Fulsome, unexpected. Then I'll eat the apple. Yes. -It is said a delicious. -Bagar. Anyway, first to solve AyakoЎЇs matter. I obay you all. ЎЄOf course. ЎЄRight. I can't persuade you. Welcome. Is there a sir named Mr.Mamiya... He's waiting for you. Ah, here, Ayako. Come up. I'm late. -Did you find here soon? -Yes. Have the seat, please. Talk freely. There's no much time left, I'll say about the major topic. About you marriage, what about Goto? What? Are you like him, or dislike? Tell me. No distaste. Then you like him, he said so, too. Well, go on with him, will you? -But, uncle... -What? I haven't considered the marriage. You said so last time. So, I can't answer you now. It's nice, isn't it? Even marry to him is OK. But, what about my mother, if I married? ЎЄYour mother... ЎЄHum. We're worrying about this, we won't let her feel trouble. What's the meaning? For example, your mother marry again, what do you think about it? Marry again, have you talk about it with my mother? Hum... What about it? Sorry to kept you waiting. What's wrong? Suddenly became sorrow. Have it decided? ЎЄWhat, your mother's marriage? ЎЄWho's that? -Him? -Hum. You and your mother both know him before. How do you think about Hirayama... Mr.Hirayama. How about? Haven't decided yet. What do you think about? Back, are you hungry? There's nothing to eat today. I planned to buy something back, but I'm late, too. What happened? What's the matter? Today I met a friend which haven't seen long before, in the trolley. Did you remember? The auntie always came to us for rice, after the war. She's wearing so neat, even like a rich madam. Mum. Er? ЎЄHave mum ever disguise something from me? -What? Uncle Mamiya has told me the whole thing today. What did you hear. ЎЄMun, do you want marry again? ЎЄWhat? Marry again? Don't disguise any more. ЎЄWhat's your meaning? -I know! ЎЄWhat do you know? What's up? What are you saying on earth? Don't disguise any more. Don't you feel sorry to papa? Isn't Hirayama papa's friend? Then what? You are still disguise, why do you keep it from me? Disguise what? Well, well, I have assumed you too better. ЎЄI hate this! ЎЄWhat are you saying, Ayako? Filthy, I hate people like this. Ayako, where are you going? Let me go! I dislike you. You are waiting for so long time. ЎЄHum, give me some cuttlefish. -How about the miss? -I want this. -OK. Welcome. Welcome. I come to see Yuriko... ЎЄAh, she's in. Yuri...Yuri -Miss Miwa is coming! -I'm coming. Please wait, she's upstairs. Come up, but it's disordered. Please. Sorry to let you wait. -Anything else you want, sir? -Give me the soy. You are so fond of calm, sir. Calm is delicious. Calm is the worm's poison. How about some octopus? -Have the octopus born up? -Hum? I want some clam, the softest part, it's necessary... - And red shellfish. - OK. And what did you say for that? I hate it, especially he's my father's friend. So awkward. Hum, and that's why you come out? But, is it awkward? Hmm, then this is your reason? I have always been troubled by the matter of Father's. While Mama seems to have forgotten all about it. I won't forgive that. I understand that, but don't you think you're a little selfish? What? -You need to think for Mama. -
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