decline marry anymore. It's...when madam married Miwa. I was 20 then. I feels too. Aya, there's a good young man, should be 29,if not misremember. He graduated from architectonics department of the University of Tokyo, works at "Darling Group", diverting. -It's a real good news. -I think he's very good. -Oh? But... -But, it's time to go. Sorry to trouble you all today. Really sorry. Sorry, I said something discourteous. Don't mention it, it's a pleasure. -See you next time. -Bye. -Bye. -Bye. Then I leave first. As you like. Aya, have you known? Yes. -Really, so beautiful... -Hum. Daughter is daughter. -Don't pretend any more, you are saying her mother. -Hmm, haven't change even a little. -Really beautiful. -Yes, really a nice girl. But, Akiko is over 40. I'll choose her mother, if possible. It's really good, hum... -Is it true? -Of course. -But man may die early, if married such a beautiful wife. Right, you also feel it, isn't it? It's easy. You're boeotian, no feel. What made you so happy? -Is there any wine? -Yes. -Lady, is your husband well? -He's fine, thank you. -I think so. -Of course, he would be longevous. -What are you tlaking about? -Nothing. There was a drugstore near Hongou 3rd street. Now a fruiterer, there was a beautiful girl. This guy take a fancy to her, often went there, even no matter. Don't laugh at me, you are the same, hadn't catch a cold. And went to buy anodyne. Even bought a "Fever's Friend" Was "ChengBiao"? The girl is exactly the woman left just now. That madam, I even thought them as sisters, are they mother and daughter actually. She's really beautyful, then, what's on? -But. -Failed finally. Poor. -Do you remember Miwa? -Not very clearlly. I remembered he had come once or more. -Hmm. -We haven't that wisdom then. Different from the youngster now, we were pure then. -Oh. any wine left, Mr.Hirayama? -Yes. -Would you bring me the soda pop? -Ok, wait for me. The husband would be longevous, married her. What? -Nothing, we're talking about our matter. Where's the soda pop? -I'm coming. But, maybe die early, her body is so good... Use wrestle? He would be overpowered, even lose breath. Any more? -You're back. -Ah, back. -Early today. -Hmm. -I thought you would be back late. -Why? Didn't you stay with Mr.Mamiya and Hirayama together? And Akiko had come, with Ayako. Really? The young couple seem to bickered again. It seems difficult tosmoke the calumet together, living with mother-in-law. -Did she quarrel with her? -No, she's fine. But there would be unpleasant thing happen one day...It's better for Young people to live themselves. -I think so at the very beginning. -It's a big trouble. She would stay for four or five days this time. The baggage is more than before, are they alright ? It's a big trouble if they be two. Weren't you like this then? It's not wrong, consort always become harmonious slowly. Yes, it would be alright if Yoko keep her temper a little. Yes, it's boring if always like that. Right, it would be on end if blame each other. What does you mean by "again"? You are always quarrelling. Couldn't explain it simply, just some dissatisfaction in living. It's your own desire to marry him, even now you have any dissatisfaction. Yes, that's why we quarrel more damnably. -For what? Dad, don't ask anymore, I decide to punish him a bit. Punish? It's you ought to be punished, or you will be always capricious like this. It's enough, papa. Go to bathe, let me make the water hotter. Reaaly a big trouble. Ah, hmm, that...what does his name? Who? The man works at Darling Group...Your friends' brother. -You are saying Shigeru, he's living at Igami. -Yes, it's him. It's said his father owned a paper factory. Right, what's the matter? You are right. If let you choose, you would choose Akiko, will you? I have known that. What do you know? Hongou 3rd street, you
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