tuna, please. Clams for me. So do you give your word? I give my word. I'll love her forever. Not that! I mean, you promise to pay? Oh, yeah. I'll pay! Some red shellfish, please. So Ayako went on vacation? Yes, they're traveling all over. I'm glad to hear they made up. Ayako sulked for a while, but she eventually came around. I realize now how nice it is to have one's real mother around. Your mother's nice too. Of course, but it's not the same. I have to be careful around her. Really? You haven't noticed? That means I put on a good act. Here you go. - Thanks! I wonder where they are today. Damn! I'm a little jealous. Oh, the farewell party! Let's go hiking again and invite Goto. Yes, let's! Days like this should be spent in the mountains, not at work. You're right about that. TAWARAYA INN The lamp in the mountain hut Burns with a faint glow My beloved mountain hut On a path in the foothills I sit at the window of memories And think of you The wind murmurs With a song of days long past Ayako, you must be sleepy. Not yet. I'm sorry it's so crowded today. What a racket. School excursions are everywhere. The inn in Nikko was packed! Wasn't it? Someone was always barging into our room by mistake. Really? It must have been hard to relax. But it was quite fun. That's nice. Excuse me. Sir, a school teacher is waiting at the front desk. I'll be right there. But this is good news. Ayako finally found a good husband, and you're remarrying too. Actually, it wasn't Ayako I was worried about. It was you. Thank you for your concern. Very good news indeed. Well, time to say good night. Good night. Good night. Shall we get to bed? Ayako, aren't you coming? It's gotten so quiet. I guess the students all went to bed. School trips were such fun, but I always hated the very last night. It was a letdown knowing we'd come to the end. Did you ever feel that way? Is something wrong? Ayako... remember when you said it would be disgusting for me to remarry? I don't feel that way now. Forgive me for saying something so stupid. Actually, I feel the same way. I've decided to remain a widow. But Mother... Your father was enough for me. He'll always be by my side. I'm fine as I am. I don't want to climb that mountain again. I've had enough. But Mother... It's really all right. You needn't worry about me. Marry Mr. Goto. Nothing would give me more joy than seeing you happy with someone you love. It's okay if you forget about me. I'll never be Ionely. But how can I leave you alone in that apartment? Don't worry about that. You can't go on living with me in that apartment forever. Sure, it's a familiar life without surprises, but you're young and have your whole life ahead of you. You can't imagine what happiness awaits you. Marry Mr. Goto. I can look after myself just fine. Please do as I ask. And please don't think I lied just so you would marry. You understand, don't you? We've had such a nice time on this trip. Do you remember when we were evacuated here during the war? Your father would come back every Sunday. Everything was scarce back then, but he'd always bring a gift for you. He was a good father. This will probably be our last trip together. Be happy. You're beginning a new life, and so am I. I'll always remember our meals here together. Autumn leaves in every hue Of yellow and red Float down the stream Woven like brocade GOTO AND MIWA WEDDING All ready. Move a bit closer to her. Ready. One more. Sake for this room, please. The weather was great, and everything went off without a hitch. It was perfect. We blundered our way to this day, but it was fun. Yeah, it was fun. A toast to the bride? And to Miwa and Akiko too. Cheers. To be honest, I didn't find it all that fun. It wasn't that bad. Our
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