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Guaranteed lowest prices in town."
That's good.
A little higher! Higher!
Higher! A little higher!
What if someone buys and it's cheaper?
Cheaper than they guaranteed is
the lower price. What do you do then?
Jules, what happens if somebody buys
cheaper than what you sell?
Good question. What if they get it
cheaper someplace else...
...since we guarantee
the lowest prices in town?
Find somewhere else cheaper,
then we'll match it at that price.
That's good. We'll match it!
They'll match it?
What does that mean?
Whatever the guy buys somewhere else
he can get here for the same price.
What the hell does he need to
do that for?
He bought it, and then they guarantee
they'll give him the same price.
That makes no sense. He's gotta
take it back to the shop...
- ...and then get it here?
- Why wouldn't that make sense?
- They'd guarantee it?
- Yes.
They'd guarantee it.
Maybe make it lower.
How much lower? Because if it's
a nickel lower...
...I won't take it all the way back
to get it here for a nickel less.
A little higher!
Can we just put up the sign?
Is it me,
or does it look a little low?
No, it's still low. It's low.
I gotta go to the doctor's, then pick
up the kids from the movie around 4.
- The movies?
- Yeah.
From 10 in the morning to 4?
What do they watch, 9 movies?
You're going to the doctor's?
Just a checkup.
What time will you be home?
I'll be home probably around 7.
Can you see if my mother wants to go
back with you? Please?
What are they doing? They're arguing
again. Arguing again.
You want to ride back with me?
With you?
No, I think it's still too soon.
- I've been driving for six months.
- No, still too soon.
You gotta go all the way uptown.
Lot of turns to make. It's too soon.
You'll have to wait till 7:00.
That's when Jules is going home.
I'll take a streetcar.
It's on tracks.
You take the 32 and you're there.
All right. Fine.
- I cannot believe your mother.
- She's not going with you?
No, I haven't been driving
long enough for her.
What's that?
I wonder how long it'll be
until we get our own rocket suits.
It'll be great.
We'll be able to rocket to school
and rocket back home.
It will be great.
I'd love to see my grandmother
rocketing to the store to get bread.
Go, Rocket Man!
Hi, will you fill her up?
I'm going to get my kids.
- Sure.
- I'll be right back.
Oh, I can't see.
It's because you've been sitting in
a dark movie theater all afternoon.
I can't believe this.
Wait a minute. Wait.
What are you saying?
That it's my fault?
I'm not saying it's your fault.
You say it like it's my fault
that the streetcar smashed my car.
I'm not saying it's your fault.
No, you took the car and it got hit.
- And I could have been sitting in it.
- You don't understand.
You make it sound as if I'm
responsible, as if it's my fault.
I've been in this country 40 years.
I've never seen a streetcar jump
the track and hit a car.
Am I crazy, or does it sound
like it's my fault?
You're being sensitive.
She's not blaming you.
- You're not blaming her, are you?
- No, no, I'm not blaming her.
What I'm saying is, they should
get rid of the streetcars.
They got buses.
Why do they need streetcars?
The tracks are too slippery.
I don't even like Sam
to drive in the rain.
The tracks is dangerous. When it
gets wet, it gets too slippery.
Do you know anyone whose car got hit
by a streetcar off its tracks?
It's a first.
To think I could've been
sitting in that car.
Thank God I didn't get into
that machine.
I cannot believe this conversation.
Can we put the streetcar talk to rest?
We're lucky it was nothing serious.
That's the end of it.
You should've seen it, Dad.
It was just like the cliffhangers.
- Ellen Ferguson.
- What?
Ellen Ferguson's car got hit
by a streetcar.
It wasn't a streetcar.
It was a train.
Off of Saratoga. Freight train.
It wasn't a streetcar.
- It wasn't a
Авалон Авалон

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- текст Звёздный путь: Восстание на английском
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- текст Жизнь как чудо на английском
- текст Пила II на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 6 на английском

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