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What do you want from me?
I don't know what to do.
I know. I'm just...
I got it!
Hi, Eva.
- Hi, Nimo.
- Where's your mother?
She's in the dining room.
Come on, let's play a game.
Got it.
You're not going to believe this.
I got a call.
American Red Cross.
My brother's alive in Europe.
I can't believe it.
I have to sit down.
I need something to drink.
I ran to get here.
I'll get you some lemonade.
Oh, it's too sweet. Not too sweet.
My heart. My heart is running.
So, Ma, what happened?
Well, I don't know exactly.
He was in a concentration camp.
He lived through
the concentration camp.
They found him, but I don't know.
I don't know...
...how he lived through it.
I don't know.
I never saw him. I heard about him
from letters.
When I came to this country,
he wasn't born.
And when he was old enough to come...
...he wouldn't leave my father.
No, he was blind and dying.
And then the war started.
So where is your brother now?
I don't know. With refugees.
But now they found me...
...they make plans for him
to come to America.
It's 4-1.
And after the concentration camp...
...he's put in a camp
with the displaced people.
Now he says he has a sister
in Baltimore...
...but he can't remember
my married name: Krichinsky.
Doesn't have his letters anymore.
They were all destroyed.
He knows the name's Russian,
not Polish.
It's a Y, not an I,
but he can't remember the name.
I cannot imagine having a brother
I've never seen.
Never seen.
Thought was dead.
All right, Michael.
Give me your best shot.
That's an out.
Oh, my God.
Bees! Bees! Bees!
Stand still!
You're supposed to stand still!
Run, run!
Bees! Bees! Bees!
Oh, my God!
Get the hose!
Run, Michael!
Put your hands over your eyes.
Don't let them get in your eyes.
He's not allergic to the bees,
so there's no real problem.
He's just gonna be a little
uncomfortable for a while.
I hate the suburbs.
I'm surprised your mother-in-law
didn't come along with you today.
She refuses to get in the car with me.
She's never been in a car
when a woman drives.
One, two, three.
The election of a new family-circle
president will take place...
...three weeks from Sunday.
So we have to make some serious
It's like a furnace in here.
Like a furnace.
That concludes old business.
I make a proposal that we take
the next meeting at Frock's Farm.
- Very good idea.
- I'm with you.
A very good idea.
It's cooler. We won't
suffocate to death.
This is a family-circle meeting,
not an outing.
Why not combine the two
when it's this hot?
An outing and a family-circle meeting.
An outing is an outing, and
a family circle is a family circle.
I'm dripping.
Let's finish the meeting
and that'll be it.
And that will be it.
That will be it.
When Schulman was alive,
we sat in the meeting.
The meeting finished.
Then we left.
It was hot, it was cold,
it was snow...
...it was rain.
We sat and we had a meeting.
If we don't want to meet because
it's hot, let's not meet.
- Do not meet.
- No one said not to meet.
Nobody said not to meet.
It's a furnace.
We need to decide how much money
we'll give to our charity this year.
This is a heat wave.
It was hotter at Avalon.
We had a meeting and it was
so hot you couldn't stand up.
What are you talking about?
Aunt Molly fainted.
Still, we had the meeting.
Last year we gave--
Just let me have a look.
We gave to six charities.
An elephant just went by the window.
It's the heat.
You're hallucinating.
Then the heat made me see another
elephant, because another is going by.
The circus! The circus!
The circus!
The circus!
Oh, look at this!
They must be going through here
to get to the tent site.
- What tent?
- They have a tent at Edmondson Avenue.
Wow, look at the circus, Mom!
The circus is coming.
Yeah! Yeah!
Do you got everything?
You'll waste the battery.
- And remember, you stay with Sam.
Авалон Авалон

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- текст Волшебная лампа Аладдина на английском
- текст Братья Блюз 2000 на английском

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