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his first steps.
He went right to your room.
Yeah, I remember.
What was he? A year old?
No, no, not a year.
Nine months.
Held the sofa,
and he took his first steps.
Nine months.
What's wrong, Pop?
I don't know, I don't know.
I get nervous about making a change.
What are you talking about?
You came to America.
We're just going to the suburbs.
I came to America in 1914...
...but I was a young man.
Oh, come on, Dad.
What about the house?
You saw the house.
Forest Park area. It's beautiful.
We're gonna have more room
for the whole family.
We're getting farther
and farther away from Avalon.
I think I'm getting
too old for change.
- Bill, are you hurt?
- Not a bit. Cut me loose.
No, Sam, don't feed the dog
from the table.
He likes meat.
Don't give him big pieces.
He has a small throat.
- What's wrong with the green beans?
- I don't like green beans.
Since when you don't like green beans?
Never. I never eat green beans.
I cannot believe we argue over the dog
and the green beans every meal.
Green beans and the dog.
Like it's the first time.
Constantly you argue
about the same thing.
It's not an argument,
it's dinner talk.
Dad, this goes on all the time.
Whether it's green beans
or feeding Nimo...
...constantly you two
have a problem at dinner.
- Constantly?
- Yeah. How about drinks?
Mom says you can't mix drinks.
The mixes he makes
is not a good drink.
Let's not get into
the drinks thing now.
What are you talking about?
I take the juice from the pears...
...mix it with Coca-Cola.
It's a good drink.
Oh, please. You're going to
make me sick with this.
Sam, I said don't feed the dog
from the table.
Oh, my God.
We're thinking of keeping the store
open a couple nights until 9.
Do you have to?
If we want to stay competitive.
The other shops stay open later.
He's gonna choke to death.
One night we look under the table,
the dog will be dead.
I spoke to Izzy about the family
meeting that's supposed to be here.
Some of the brothers feel
it's too far to go.
Too far?
How far can it be? They get on
Rogers over the Liberty Heights.
We know how to go.
Why Rogers? You take Greenspring.
There's no light.
It's a bottleneck.
- It's not.
- It is.
It's not!
It's a bottleneck.
I say you take Rogers.
To go to Rogers, he's got to go up
Park Circle. Why Rogers?
The question is not which way they'll
come. They think it is too far.
What do you want? You want me to
tell them to move out?
I don't want you to tell them
to move out.
I just was expressing a feeling
that maybe, you know...
...you can get them their own place
and chip in with the rent.
Their own place? Where would
the money come from?
I don't have the money yet.
They don't either.
I know, I just feel...
...there's always
somebody watching over me.
Every time I do something,
I feel like somebody's...
...thinking that they
could do it better.
What? I don't know.
I put something down, I like how
it looks on the coffee table...
...I come back and it's moved.
You want me to talk to her?
I'd like to put something down,
and have it there when I return.
Do you want me to talk to her?
I will.
I'll talk to her again and again,
but it doesn't do any good.
You know her. She's like an enigma.
I feel like I'm still with
my mom and dad.
I'd like to feel like this is my home.
Feel like the mom in my own house.
I understand. I understand that.
I go out and buy what I consider to be
an attractive outfit.
I come home, "No, it's too tight here.
The material's not becoming to you.
It looks too heavy for summer."
Or whatever it is.
She speaks her mind.
She's got opinions.
I'd like to feel good about what I buy
for my house or myself.
Don't let her make you feel bad.
How can I help it?
- Put her in her place.
- Right.
You gotta do that sometimes.
- I don't know.
- You gotta put her in her place.
I just would like to feel like
I live in my house.
You do. You live here.
Авалон Авалон

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