to climb up to wash your face. Cupboards, too high. The hole in the toilet was too big. Nothing was made for us. It's just a world of big people and little people. You never got any older... ...and nobody ever died. Michael! Michael. I talked to the doctor. Your father's gonna be all right. - There, you got it? - Yeah, yeah. Hold it. What is it? What is it? What could it be? It's so big. - It's a holiday gift. - What is it? What is it? What is it? It's a surprise. Wait and see. The family circle voted and decided to get you a holiday get-well gift. For me? Oh, you didn't! You didn't! So, what is this? A television. That's television. You can only watch for so long. To me, it doesn't have what a radio has. Yes, it does. Anybody want coffee? Yes. Nice picture, huh? Beautiful picture. Never happened. In the old country, never heard of stabbing someone to take their money. Never happened. You're right. But the government would kill you. Would take your money, your property, whatever you had. You know what you have to do? Be like in Westerns. Have a stagecoach and the shotgun when you collect. That's what they had in the Wild West, because of outlaws. Yeah, that's what you need. There's always robbers. What was the movie we saw with the stagecoach? A very good movie. - Stagecoach. - The movie had a stagecoach. - Stagecoach. - Very active movie. John Wayne, he was an outlaw but was not an outlaw. What was the movie called with the stagecoach? Stagecoach. That's what I'm saying, with the stagecoach. - Stagecoach. - Stagecoach? I saw a nice little shop off Helen's Market... ...on the southeast corner. Supposing we do do this, what are we selling? Same things we sell now? Yeah, only for less than running the routes. Pots and pans? Pots, pans, vacuum cleaners, everything. The time is right we get out on our own. We don't have enough money. Now is not right. - Ann, please. - All right. The problem is, Jules, we never have privacy. Everybody's on top of everybody. We need our own place. And we'll get it. But Izzy's right. This is the time for us to use our savings for our own business. We can get off the street and try to make a go of it. Well, I know that's the best thing. I just can't promise I'm gonna remain sane. You put on a little sweater. Yeah, be sure to take small steps. There's a little wind. Michael! Forgot your lunch money. Toss it. Ann! Do we leave at 10:30? Yeah, that'll be fine! I have to be back at 1:00. I have to go to the doctor's with Jules. You're not driving, are you? - No, I'm still taking the lessons. - Oh, thank God. "Can" is whether you're capable of doing something. "May" is asking for permission. - Yes, Michael? - Can I go to the bathroom? Michael, do you want to repeat that question? Oh, no, I'm going to be made an example of. Michael. I said, "Can I go to the bathroom?" You can, but you may not. Well, can I or can't I? I don't think you've been paying attention, have you, Michael Kaye? Yes, I have. So how would you rephrase the question? Can I please go to the bathroom? Children. Michael Kaye, why don't you just spend some time in the hallway... ...until you've learned the difference between "can" and "may." When you've learned the difference, then you may come back in. I have to go to the bathroom, but I'm afraid to ask. Now, does anyone know the difference between "can" and "may"? Young man, have you learned the difference between "may" and "can"? Not yet. You stay out there until you've learned the difference. Yes, Mrs. Parkes. Well? Are you ready to rejoin the class, Michael? Yes, Mrs. Parkes. And what's the difference between "may" and "can"? Give me a little more time. Young man, what are you doing in the hallway? Learning the difference between "may" and "can." How long do you think it would take? Hello? Is this Mr.
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