while we set up advertising... ...and get this place on its feet. This is like... ...a fluke. You know? Yeah. It's a fluke all right. Things like this don't happen. What are the odds on this? What's it gotta be? - Something like this? - Yeah. - It's gotta be a million to one. - Exactly. So, what will we do? Well, file bankruptcy, regroup... ...start over. We'll lose some distributors. They won't want to do business with us anymore. But we'll pick up some new lines. With a little luck, we'll be back. No, I think that's it for me. It's too much of a roller coaster ride for me. Krichinsky cousins, Kirk and Kaye. This is the end of the road for me. What will you do? A salesman can always sell. It's not the product. It's the salesman. That's what my father always said. Sam, don't run with the machine. I'm not running. Sam, why don't you speak to Gabriel? I never speak to him. You don't speak to Gabriel, then Nathan won't speak to you... ...because he doesn't like that you don't speak to Gabriel. We got four brothers and two don't speak. But Nathan speaks to you when you speak to me. I can talk to you. This he can tolerate. But he won't talk to you unless you speak personally to Gabriel. Got an indigestion. You've been having it a lot. Yeah. Whatever I eat, it lays on me. Bombs away! - Why aren't they at the country club? - I don't know. They don't like it there. They like it better here with us. They better like the club, because they're getting rid of this. - What are you talking about? - I was talking to the old man. He's selling the place. They want to build homes here. Homes? It's too far for homes. You got to be a pioneer. You can't get here with a streetcar. They can build homes, they can put more streetcar tracks. Again? Indigestion? I think I'll take a little walk. Might help. - Do you boys want to go for a walk? - Yeah. Fix me another sandwich, will you? You already had two. This will make three. - You want something, Sam? - No, no, nothing for me, thanks. - How's she doing today? - The same. Every day's the same. She gets better, she comes out, gets worse, comes back. In and out. In and out of the hospital. Dad, Ann's going to make a Thanksgiving dinner. I know, I know. She's been here all day. - You going to come over? - No, I better stay here. I already had a bite in the room with your mother. All right. If you change your mind. Hi, Ma. How you doing? Oh, I'm tired. - How's the new job? - It's good. I like it. It's interesting... ...and it's challenging. I like it. Selling time. I never heard of such a thing. It's not just time. It's time for television commercials. Companies buy the time for commercials to sell their products. I hate commercials. But I like the one where the cigarette packs dance. I like that one. Did you sell them time? No, Ma. That's a shame, because I like that one. Henry! Henry Aldrich! Coming, Mother. We have come here to pay our final respects... ...to the late Eva Krichinsky... ...a woman of valor. She came to America... ...in 1916. She married... ...and raised a beautiful family. Was a devoted wife and a caring mother. One who was loved and respected by her family... ...and many friends. She lived a full and happy life. Gabriel didn't come. Nathan didn't come. What happened to Simka? He called. He couldn't get away. Couldn't get anyone to take care of the farm. This is not a family. Not a family. Dad, come on for some dinner. - What's the matter with your corn? - I don't like it. Since when you don't like it? I've been making you corn since... How was school today, Michael? Dad, that's David. Michael is in college. It was yesterday... ...I had to go up to the school. He was in trouble. Something with... ..."may" and "can." With "may" and "can." Scientists prove there is no life on
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