close. Just what we need. We burn the store down the first day it opens. That's just what we need. It don't get much better than this! $19,628! How do you like that? Way to go, brothers! You were right. You were right. We're rich. Dad, that sounds horrible. Mr. Kirk. You have a telephone call. - What is it? - I haven't got the call yet. - Where is it? - You can get it over at the snack bar. - Thank you, sir. - Be right back. Hello? Yeah. What? Jules. Jules! - What? - The new store's on fire. - What? - It's on fire! - What happened? - I don't know. It's a four-alarm. Come on! Dottie, the store's on fire. We got to go. Oh, no. Don't say anything to anybody. Ever. We did it. We burned the whole store down. Hey, Michael! Come on! We're going! Remember. Nothing to nobody. We're the owners. It doesn't look good. What do you mean? Can you save it? We're trying to contain it. There's nothing you can do? We're doing all we can. Michael! Michael! I don't know if he'll go to the store. I'll go after him. - Will you stay? - Of course. Are you sure you two didn't have a fight? I hate this thing. The radio, you put it on the station, it's there. Here the picture goes this way and that way. That's it. You got radio. - Sam! - Michael is here? Michael, what's wrong? - I did a terrible thing. - Calm down. No. I did a terrible thing. - Terrible. Terrible. - What happened? Me and Teddy played with the model airplane and something happened. - I told you not to play with that. - I didn't know. - I knew it. Now it's happened. - We put it out. - Eva, please. - It was just a little fire. What are you talking about? - I burned the store down. - Oh, my God! I don't know where he is. He ran out of the house. I thought maybe he came down here. I don't know where he is. - What are you yelling at me for? - I'm not! I'm worried about him! - What? - Come on. I'll be right there. Call my parents. Maybe he's there. - I'll go look for him. - Call my parents. And let me know. All right? I told your mother... have your father come and get you... ...because you had something very important to say. You'll have to tell him. How am I going to do that? Michael. Michael. So, what's all the mystery? Michael has something he has to tell you. Go, Michael. Daddy...'s my fault. What? I burned the store down. You what? Me and Teddy were playing with the model airplane... ...and we finished it and put glue all around the basement... ...and Teddy had some firecrackers... ...and we added those. We lit it and it caught fire... ...and we thought we put it out, but we didn't, I guess. Sit down. How many times have you been told not to play with fire? - Lots. - A lot. You think maybe it's time you start to listen? Yeah. Well, I'm glad that you told me. It's a very brave thing to do. It's not your fault. I talked to the fire marshal... ...and the fire started on the fourth floor. It started on the fourth floor? They're not 100 percent sure. It seems there was some kind of an electrical fire. It started on the fourth floor? Not in the basement? You didn't do it, Michael. Come on, let's go home. - Jules. - Yeah? Jules, what about the store? It's gone, Dad. It's all gone. What's that supposed to mean? It means we don't have any insurance to cover this. What are you talking about? You took care of that stuff. What are you talking about? You're telling me we don't have any insurance? We had it. I canceled it. You canceled it?! There's no insurance for this whole thing? How's that possible? What the hell did you do? I told you when we did the commercials that we didn't have enough money. You didn't care when I said we had to shift the money around. Take a little from here, borrow from there. It's always been borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. It's like a gamble. I took from the insurance, figured we'd save
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