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been thinking about it.
It's a good time
we open our own business.
Open our own business?
What, are you kidding?
Think of the risk involved.
We got good routes.
Why should we gamble?
It's perfect.
We got built-in customers.
We open our own place. We keep
the routes, but switch people to us.
We sell the same goods,
except the money goes in our pockets.
You don't think
Simmons will sit still?
We open our own place,
he'll put someone on our routes.
We'll hold on to the customers.
They like us, trust us.
We won't hold on to everybody.
We'll lose customers.
This is less dollars,
and we got to find new customers.
The war is over, right?
There's lots of people with lots
of money. It's a good time to gamble.
I hear dessert?
I hear dessert.
Bring me dessert.
The kids aren't having dessert?
My grandmother is grandmother to me,
but she's not grandmother to Teddy.
- Yes, right.
- Then what is she?
She's Teddy's great-aunt.
There are aunts and great-aunts?
What's the difference between
a regular aunt and a great-aunt?
They're older. That's the difference.
It's not because they're older.
Because then someday,
all aunts would be great-aunts.
But why are great-aunts
just called great-aunts?
Why not "good aunts" or
"fantastic aunts" or "terrible aunts"?
No. It doesn't have anything to do
with what kind of person they are.
It's got to do with great.
You know, they're great, older.
What about those red ants that
crawl around and bite you?
No, no, no. That's A-N-T.
What's a first cousin, twice removed?
I have absolutely no idea.
I'm going selling with my dad today.
You're not going to school?
Christmas holidays. No school.
Christmas holiday.
- Keep your nose clean.
- Yeah.
How come you didn't become
a wallpaper hanger like Sam?
Well, Sam always had this idea...
...that doing manual labor
had no dignity, but selling...
"Selling was security," he said.
No matter where you are
or what you're selling...
...you can always make a living.
- Can you sell anything?
- Anything. I can sell anything.
See, it's all a question of
being able to talk to people.
The product?
It doesn't make any difference.
You're selling yourself.
Can you sell model trains?
- As many as they can make.
- Can you sell toothbrushes?
To as many people as have teeth.
Quick! See that car?
What car is that?
The one over there on the right?
- Nash!
- Pretty good.
Give me your money.
- What's that?
- Give me your money.
Are you kidding me?
No, I'm not kidding you.
Give me your money.
What, are you robbing me?
With all these houses around?
Yeah, I'm robbing you.
Get help.
I can't play.
I can't play.
I never learned to play the piano.
I never learned.
I said, I never learned.
I can't. I can't play the piano.
I can't play.
No, I can't.
I can't play the piano.
He can't play, but he can learn!
I can't play.
That's the problem with collecting.
I know that's got to be
a problem with collecting.
It's unheard of.
When you have lots of money...
It's unheard of to stab somebody
and take the money.
I never heard of it.
I don't want to know about it.
Not like in the old days.
When they know you got lots of money,
somebody wants the money.
We know that.
We know that. But who wants it?
It's not like it used to be!
A man can't walk in the street?
Never, never, never.
It's the money that's the problem.
- You're right.
- Somebody tries to kill--
Somebody tries to kill my boy
just for money.
- That's not good. That's not good!
- It's the money.
- It's not good.
- No good.
Money, money, money, that's it.
- That's the whole problem. Money.
- Money.
When I was a little younger
than you...
...I used to think
the world was made up...
...of big people and little people.
And that's the way
it would always stay.
And then I always wondered
why sinks were too high.
You had
Авалон Авалон

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- текст Война на английском
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