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of Maryland
opens its doors.
Hi, I'm Jules Kaye.
And I'm Izzy Kirk.
That's right, Jules, July 4th...
...the day you'll get independence
from higher prices when K&K expands.
60,000 square feet
of discounted merchandise.
And with that guaranteed
lowest-price-in-town sticker price...
That's not right.
Okay. Cut it.
What? Sounded good to me.
You said price twice.
That threw you off.
- Price twice.
- You said it twice.
Let's reset and do this again.
Lowest-price-guaranteed sticker.
Guaranteed-lowest-price sticker.
This is tough.
We should've got the announcer.
I'm not good at this.
- They're too professional.
- I'm not good.
You're very good. We're salesmen.
Who better to sell than salesmen?
Besides, we can't even
afford these spots.
You'll kill me with this.
Every time I turn around,
you remind me how broke we are.
Seriously, this TV thing is
way beyond the advertising budget.
I told you, nothing will get
the message across like that.
You told me, you told me.
You love television.
If what you're saying is true,
what are we gonna do?
Don't worry, all right?
Just shift some money around.
Take from this area, take it to there.
Creative financing.
Everyone does it all the time.
Lowest-guaranteed-price sticker?
Can I see the card again?
Can I see that card again?
Mr. Kaye, you mother's on the phone.
- Okay?
- Yeah.
My mother's on the phone?
My mother's on the phone.
Excuse me.
My mother's on the phone.
His mother's on the phone.
Come on, Jules.
Time's money, huh?
Hold on a second, Mom.
You won't believe this. Simka's moving
to New Jersey to work on a farm.
A farm?
How did this happen?
I don't understand.
With cows?
One of the people he works with
at the spices?
All right. All right, Mom.
We're gonna have to talk later,
all right? Bye.
What was that about?
A worker at McCormick's has a brother.
He's got a farm in New Jersey.
He made Simka a deal.
He'll be the farm manager.
Or whatever the hell they call it.
It turns out he thinks it's too busy
in a big city.
That's something.
- She comes to America in 1918.
- 1916.
She's got a brother
who was born after she left.
He gets caught up in the war,
concentration camp.
They finally meet for the first time
in 30 years...
...and in less than one year,
he decides to move on.
So much for family reunions.
Everybody out.
- You got your jacket, Jules?
- Wait up, Teddy.
I hope they show up. Good luck.
They showed up for the
George Washington sale.
It's one thing they show for that...
...it's another on 4th of July
with 60,000 feet of merchandise.
All right, boys. Time to go to work.
I forgot something.
I forgot my model-plane kit.
You think he'll be all right
down there all day?
He's got Teddy to play with.
- Don't kick the seat.
- I'll see you later.
Come on, Michael. Hurry.
Big day. Don't hold them up.
- Bye.
- Come on, come on.
Take a look at that.
An SE5a.
This will be good to build and burn.
You nervous?
- I'm not.
- You're nervous.
All right, I'm nervous.
What happens if we get there
and only eight or nine people show?
You see all this?
Take a good look.
You won't see it again.
- Back to the row houses?
- That's right.
Finally got through to the store.
They say it's a madhouse.
What a relief.
Joe says the fire marshal's there
to keep some of the crowd out.
There's more people than they
know what to do with.
- That's amazing.
- They did it!
- Mom--
- Just a second.
- How are the kids?
- They're fine.
They're playing in the basement,
building a model airplane.
- Mom, can I--
- Just a second.
They could be out here in the sun
with the other kids.
Instead they're in a hot basement.
Beats me.
I blame Teddy.
What do you want, sweetie?
Is it time to go back in the water?
Ten minutes until you digest.
I think you put too many in there!
Oh, my God!
A fire is starting!
Everything's catching fire!
I think that's it.
That was
Авалон Авалон

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- текст Отец солдата на английском
- текст Маньяк-полицейский на английском
- текст Зелёный слоник на английском
- текст Идентификация на английском
- текст Кровавый четверг на английском

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