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We supported them.
We took care of them.
You brought me.
When did we last give
percentages of our money?
How long has it been?
It's got to have been 25 years.
Belle came over in the late '20s...
...so it wouldn't be 25 years.
Let's see now.
It couldn't be 25 years.
It's close to 25 years.
He came in 1930, then it's close
to 25 years and that's it!
You want to support every Tom,
Dick and Harry?
We're talking about my wife's brother.
Herbie, you talk like an idiot.
Don't call my son an idiot.
He's not an idiot.
Tom, Dick and Harry.
He has never had any sense.
Never had common sense.
Just because Jules has money,
you call my Herbie an idiot?
Come on! Nobody's calling
anybody an idiot.
He called my son an idiot.
His son makes money, and all of
a sudden they get this attitude.
What attitude?
What are you talking about?
Living out in the sticks, you don't
wait for anybody to cut the turkey.
This is about
the goddamn turkey again!
The goddamn turkey again
and again and again.
Yeah, yeah.
The man has a mind like an elephant.
He drove all that time...
...and you eat the dinner
before he gets there.
Who ate? We didn't eat the dinner,
we cut the turkey!
- You ate.
- It wasn't how much you ate...
...or you didn't eat. It was the act.
The disregard for an older brother.
You might as well have stabbed me
in the heart.
What's this about here, huh?
This meeting is about cutting
a turkey or is about Simka?
Let's get back to the issue about how
to support Simka and his family.
Another member of the wealthy
contingent is speaking.
Uncle Gabriel, we're out there busting
our asses to make a living.
- Why are you so contemptuous?
- The language.
The language.
The children are outside.
We're not talking about a lot of money
for Eva's brother.
Not a lot of money?
Enough of this. I'll give Simka
the money and put an end to it.
I'm with you, pal.
Good. Let's move on
to the next business.
Next business?
Next business:
I resign.
That's the next business.
I resign.
Oh, he resigns!
I resign!
I am finished! I am finished.
Let's try to settle this.
I'm insulted. I am not gonna stay
where I am not wanted.
He was a lousy president anyway.
I'm not wanted.
Come back, Sam.
We need you, Sam.
We're going. Get in the car.
Teddy, Mindy, come on.
Teddy, Mindy, come on. Come on!
Sam, Sam! Come back, for God's sake!
Let's talk.
Gabriel, let's talk.
Come out! You're brothers!
- Is it over already?
- Sam!
We're going to get Chinese?
- Get in the car.
- Where's your car?
The golf pro dropped Izzy and me off.
Never do I come back. Never!
We brought you to this country.
We put you in
the paper-hanging business.
And if it wasn't for my say-so,
you'd still be in the old country.
You wanted to quit the paper business.
You wanted to own your own club...
...I said, okay.
When the nightclub was over...
...and you wanted back in
the business, I said, okay!
That's got nothing to do with nothing.
I came to a Thanksgiving dinner
at my brother's house.
But you have no respect.
No respect!
I remember when I brought home
the piano for Jules.
It was a beautiful, sunny day.
You should learn how to play.
I don't know.
I don't know?
I tried to teach your father...
...but he never learned. Never.
That's a shame.
The baby's going in your bedroom.
Where are you going to go?
Michael, there comes a time
when have to leave your kids.
Your mom and dad
need their own place.
But where are you gonna go?
We'll get a place with Simka,
Gittle and Elka.
You mean you won't live here?
See the seam. You get a bubble in it.
You use the brush like this
and you smooth it out.
Can I try it?
It's not important for you
to know how to wallpaper...
...because you should never do this
in your life.
I don't want you to ever leave.
One way or another,
we all have to leave.
On July 4th, the largest discount
department store warehouse...
...in the state
Авалон Авалон

Читайте также:
- текст Аленький цветочек на английском
- текст Акванавты на английском
- текст Новичок на английском
- текст Филин и кошечка на английском
- текст 13 дней на английском

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