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got married?
You see, we didn't plan
to get married.
They decided to get married. We
were taking them to get married.
We were getting married. Jules
has the car, so he gave us a ride.
Because you needed a ride,
my son is married?
No, well, we sort of got
caught up in the moment.
Yes, it was very...
Well, you know.
We were gonna marry
sooner or later.
- Sooner or later?
- We got a deal too.
The justice of the peace
charges $10 a couple.
I got him down to $15 for
the whole thing.
It's wonderful.
A bargain wedding.
You save $5 by getting married.
I am so pleased.
Come on, Dad. Be happy for us.
Do you love my boy?
Yes, I do, very much.
Good. Because that's one
young man that's crazy about you.
Kiss the bride.
Let me see you kiss the bride.
Izzy, kiss your bride.
That's it, that's it, that's it!
Dad, if it's all right, she's gonna
sleep at the house tonight.
Where is that marriage certificate?
Let me see it.
- Let me see it.
- Here.
I don't want any hanky-panky
going on in my house.
Who's this?
Who's this Jules Kaye here?
That's me, Dad.
I changed my name.
Me too. I changed mine to Kirk.
It's easier to say than Krichinsky.
Kirk. It's better.
Who said names are supposed to
be easy to say?
What are you, a candy bar?
You got a name: Krichinsky.
It's a name.
Kaye. Kirk.
Two cousins, different names.
How can this be a family when the
father is called Sam Krichinsky...
...his son is called Jules Kaye
and his first cousin is Izzy Kirk.
This is a family, goddamn it!
Krichinsky is the name of the family!
It's not Kaye! It's not Kirk!
It's Krichinsky!
It's Krichinsky.
We argued and argued.
Then the way things are in life,
you stop arguing.
It's your life.
You're gonna have to live it.
What a celebration.
And we celebrated that night.
It wasn't your ordinary
family celebration.
It was the best wedding...
...I ever went to.
It's nice.
It's easy to sleep when you have
a breeze. It's easy to sleep.
I'm getting nervous.
Too much expansion.
We bought out that store and that one.
We got all this merchandise.
Nothing's ready, we got no customers.
Money's going out, not coming in.
- I'm getting a little nervous.
- You're not the only one.
I've talked to some of the people
around here in the marketplace...
...and I'm not sure anyone knows
what this "discount" is.
I don't know whether it means
anything to anybody.
It's not like we invented the word.
I didn't say that,
but it doesn't mean anything.
What are you saying?
I'm saying we need to be more clear.
- We need a catchy slogan or something.
- More clear than discount?
More clear than discount.
Something that--
All right. You want a catchy slogan?
How about:
"Guaranteed lowest prices in town."
That's good.
A little higher! Higher!
Higher! A little higher!
What if someone buys and it's cheaper?
Cheaper than they guaranteed is
the lower price. What do you do then?
Jules, what happens if somebody buys
cheaper than what you sell?
Good question. What if they get it
cheaper someplace else...
...since we guarantee
the lowest prices in town?
Find somewhere else cheaper,
then we'll match it at that price.
That's good. We'll match it!
They'll match it?
What does that mean?
Whatever the guy buys somewhere else
he can get here for the same price.
What the hell does he need to
do that for?
He bought it, and then they guarantee
they'll give him the same price.
That makes no sense. He's gotta
take it back to the shop...
- ...and then get it here?
- Why wouldn't that make sense?
- They'd guarantee it?
- Yes.
They'd guarantee it.
Maybe make it lower.
How much lower? Because if it's
a nickel lower...
...I won't take it all the way back
to get it here for a nickel less.
A little higher!
Can we just put up the sign?
Is it me,
or does it look a little low?
No, it's still low. It's low.
I gotta go to the doctor's, then pick
up the kids from the movie around 4.
Авалон Авалон

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