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I got it.
The store...
Wall-to-wall televisions.
We'll sell more of them.
How will we sell more of them?
We'll sell them cheaper.
Televisions, televisions,
from one end of the shop to the other.
Nothing but televisions.
I think something's about to happen.
Seems like the humming's getting less.
That's when something's
about to happen.
Seems like it's humming
the same hum to me.
You better hope they start getting
some more interesting programs.
See, I told you something
was going to happen.
It's Howdy Doody.
We're getting ahead of ourselves
with this television.
Why don't we add some linoleums,
toasters, pots and pans, brooms.
Get a little foot traffic
in here, you know?
Maybe that'll help.
Why are they not coming in here?
Electronic equipment!
Here's adventure!
And now let's return
to Westinghouse Studio One.
And Letter from Cairo.
--fighting for law
and order, captain...
Here's adventure.
Here's romance.
Mr. I-magination
The Cisco Kid.
- Henry Aldrich!
- Coming, Mother.
The Colgate Comedy Hour.
Say the secret word for $100.
It's a common word for something
you find around the house.
Well, well, well.
Good evening.
It is Wednesday night again,
and I'm back on television.
--Your Hit Parade.
Time now to enjoy What's My Line?
The George Burns
and Gracie Allen Show.
- Well, what does it mean?
- What?
- What does it mean, the suburbs?
- It's just a nicer place to live.
That's what it means? A nicer place?
Yes, it's nicer.
It's got lawns and big trees.
Uncle Izzy and Teddy and everyone,
they'll be there too?
In one house in the suburbs?
God, please be careful!
It's a very old piece.
- Yes, ma'am. We've got it.
- Huh? In one house?
No, Michael, it's gonna be the same.
Your grandparents will live
in our house.
We'll all live near each other.
Please don't distract me.
It's gonna rain, I got furniture
in the street, I'm gonna panic.
Aunt Dottie, Aunt Dottie!
Is this a good thing that's happening?
Is this a good thing,
going to the suburbs?
- Am I gonna like it there?
- You kids are gonna love it.
We've been here forever.
We're even gonna have
to go to a new school.
You ever been in the suburbs?
I never even heard of the suburbs
until this thing happened.
Wait a minute.
Where you running with that?
- Wait a minute.
- Ma, they'll wrap it.
- No, no. We take this in the car.
- It'll be wrapped.
No, no. We take it in the car.
The truck hits a bump,
anything could happen.
Okay, we're all set.
I remember Michael learned
how to walk right here.
Held on to the sofa,
and he took his first steps.
He went right to your room.
Yeah, I remember.
What was he? A year old?
No, no, not a year.
Nine months.
Held the sofa,
and he took his first steps.
Nine months.
What's wrong, Pop?
I don't know, I don't know.
I get nervous about making a change.
What are you talking about?
You came to America.
We're just going to the suburbs.
I came to America in 1914...
...but I was a young man.
Oh, come on, Dad.
What about the house?
You saw the house.
Forest Park area. It's beautiful.
We're gonna have more room
for the whole family.
We're getting farther
and farther away from Avalon.
I think I'm getting
too old for change.
- Bill, are you hurt?
- Not a bit. Cut me loose.
No, Sam, don't feed the dog
from the table.
He likes meat.
Don't give him big pieces.
He has a small throat.
- What's wrong with the green beans?
- I don't like green beans.
Since when you don't like green beans?
Never. I never eat green beans.
I cannot believe we argue over the dog
and the green beans every meal.
Green beans and the dog.
Like it's the first time.
Constantly you argue
about the same thing.
It's not an argument,
it's dinner talk.
Dad, this goes on all the time.
Whether it's
Авалон Авалон

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- текст Бриллиантовая рука на английском
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- текст Трудно быть богом на английском
- текст Кошка, которая гуляла сама по себе на английском
- текст День Сурка на английском

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