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Bill and Edith.
Bill and Edith came after!
- After?
- Yeah, after.
It was '26.
What's the difference?
He came to America, right?
It's a big difference
between '25 and '26.
One is '25 and the other is '26.
All's I'm saying is,
who cares if it was '25 or '26?
Jules, Jules, if you stop remembering,
you forget.
It was '26.
I remember the excitement
when you went to meet him.
Finally, the father was coming.
We saved the money and sent it to him.
The whole family went to the border--
Jules, you were just a little kid.
It was cold!
We went to the marketplace.
It was cold. It was cold.
What are you talking about,
it was cold? It was late May.
May? I remember cold.
No, you're thinking of when
Irene was getting married.
It was bitter cold then. No,
it was May 17 when your father came.
Anyway, we went, the whole family.
The brothers, the wives, the kids.
I didn't go,
and all the kids didn't go.
We waited in the house.
There was such excitement.
The father, the father was coming.
All I ever heard was,
"Wait until the father comes."
The head of the family.
I pictured this big, powerful man.
All I'd heard was,
"Wait until the father comes."
The father's word when he speaks...
So I'm there. I see him.
He's shorter than me, and I'm only 6.
He was this little...
He was a little, little man.
I never said he was big.
But I said he was the father.
From the day...
From the day he came to America,
he never had to work.
Not a day in his life.
Each of us would give him 10 percent.
Ten percent?
Right? Right? Yeah.
Ten percent. He was the father.
He never drank water.
The entire time he was in America,
from the day he came...
...he drank whiskey or seltzer water.
He never drank water.
And oh, boy, could he drink!
What was that stuff called
he always used to drink?
Slivovitz. Slivovitz.
He used to call it "Block and Fall."
You have one drink of that,
you walk one block and you fall!
If you have one drink...
It's such a strong drink,
it burned the gums out.
He was funny. He was funny.
Very, very, very funny.
How often did he drink water?
Never, ever touched it.
How many times--?
I'm sitting across from you,
you can't hear it?
He never drank water!
That means he doesn't drink.
I got it.
You asked me, I told you.
Now I'm telling you some more.
Occasionally, maybe,
he had some water.
He never drank water.
So he didn't like it.
- He didn't like water.
- How many times...?
Hymie, Gabriel, Jules.
Are aunts kids
before they become aunts?
Everybody's a kid
before they become an aunt.
They are?
I thought they just popped out.
I've been thinking about it.
It's a good time
we open our own business.
Open our own business?
What, are you kidding?
Think of the risk involved.
We got good routes.
Why should we gamble?
It's perfect.
We got built-in customers.
We open our own place. We keep
the routes, but switch people to us.
We sell the same goods,
except the money goes in our pockets.
You don't think
Simmons will sit still?
We open our own place,
he'll put someone on our routes.
We'll hold on to the customers.
They like us, trust us.
We won't hold on to everybody.
We'll lose customers.
This is less dollars,
and we got to find new customers.
The war is over, right?
There's lots of people with lots
of money. It's a good time to gamble.
I hear dessert?
I hear dessert.
Bring me dessert.
The kids aren't having dessert?
My grandmother is grandmother to me,
but she's not grandmother to Teddy.
- Yes, right.
- Then what is she?
She's Teddy's great-aunt.
There are aunts and great-aunts?
What's the difference between
a regular aunt and a great-aunt?
They're older. That's the difference.
It's not because they're older.
Because then someday,
all aunts would be great-aunts.
But why are great-aunts
Авалон Авалон

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- текст Мой друг Иван Лапшин на английском
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- текст Листопад на английском
- текст Полицейский из Беверли Хиллз на английском
- текст Полуночная жара на английском

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