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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Авалон


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the shoes took me
down one street after another.
We walked and walked...
...and the skies would light up
and explode in a celebration.
And then we came to Avalon.
And the man with the shoes yelled,
"Krichinsky! Krichinsky!"
And my four brothers looked down
and saw me.
And that's when I came to America.
It was the Fourth of July.
Boy, did they used to celebrate.
Big celebrations.
They closed the streets
and would celebrate through the night.
What happened to the guy
who wore the big shoes?
The funny thing is, he did it
for another two years.
He brought his brother
into the business.
They would walk the streets, breaking
in shoes. Then he got an idea!
Why not make shoes that fit right?
They became custom shoemakers:
The Solomon Brothers.
They made shoes, pants.
And then they were a department store.
But the Krichinsky brothers,
wallpaper hangers.
The five Krichinsky brothers,
wallpaper hangers.
And we worked and worked
and worked.
Except Gabriel didn't work.
Gabriel used to point a lot.
"There's a crease, it's not straight."
He was the inspector.
He was the inspector.
How did you all get
to be wallpaper hangers?
It was your grandfather William.
He came to America first
and worked in the department store...
...where they sold wallpaper
and do wallpaper hanging for people.
So he became a wallpaper hanger.
And as each brother came over,
we all became wallpaper hangers.
But on the weekend, we made music.
What music it was!
We liked American music.
We were very popular ourselves.
One night...
...I looked across the floor
and I saw...
...this young, lovely girl.
I wasn't handsome,
and I didn't have a beautiful body.
But when I touched a woman...
...they fell in love with me.
Oh, the family! How it grew.
The wives, the kids.
Krichinskys everywhere, everywhere.
So we had the family-circle meetings.
We put money in the hat to bring over
the cousins, the aunts, the uncles.
And then, out of the blue,
William gets the flu.
It was a terrible epidemic,
the flu of 1919.
Thousands died.
William died.
He was a young man.
He left three kids.
Sam, how many times do we
have to hear this story?
We know this story.
We heard it before.
If we don't tell them, they don't know.
Last year, Bill died.
Was very warm last year
when Bill died.
How many times
do we have to hear this?
The children know this story.
I'm telling them about
when I came here.
Yeah, we know about it.
We all heard it before.
Dad, you want to cut the turkey,
or do you want me to?
I wanted to tell them about
when my father came here.
You have plenty of time
to talk about your father.
Sorry we're late.
Another minute, we would've cut the
turkey without you and started to eat.
To cut the turkey without me present?
We leave the house!
- We didn't cut the turkey.
- I heard the turkey was cut.
I was just talking
about when Bill died.
Thank God we are late.
I don't understand this holiday.
I'll never understand it.
- What's not to understand?
- Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving.
We're giving thanks to who?
You're giving thanks
for what you have.
How many times do we have
to go through this?
All I'm saying is, we had to get
the turkey and kill it to give thanks.
If it wasn't this holiday,
we wouldn't have turkey.
I don't eat turkey the rest
of the year. Why do I have to now?
Mom, don't give thanks, okay?
Time to tell the kids
when my father came to America.
Can't it wait till later?
They should hear this story.
Eva, this is very tender.
Of course it is.
It's a beautiful bird.
The turkey was in the basement alive.
She killed it.
We brought my father over in '25.
- '25?
- William died in 1919. '25.
'25? It was later than '25!
He came the same year
we brought
Авалон Авалон

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- текст Марафонец на английском
- текст Марс на английском

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