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Главная / Авалон


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Companies buy the time for commercials
to sell their products.
I hate commercials.
But I like the one where the cigarette
packs dance. I like that one.
Did you sell them time?
No, Ma.
That's a shame,
because I like that one.
Henry! Henry Aldrich!
Coming, Mother.
We have come here
to pay our final respects...
...to the late Eva Krichinsky...
...a woman of valor.
She came to America...
...in 1916.
She married...
...and raised a beautiful family.
Was a devoted wife
and a caring mother.
One who was loved and respected
by her family...
...and many friends.
She lived a full and happy life.
Gabriel didn't come.
Nathan didn't come.
What happened to Simka?
He called. He couldn't get away.
Couldn't get anyone
to take care of the farm.
This is not a family.
Not a family.
Dad, come on for some dinner.
- What's the matter with your corn?
- I don't like it.
Since when you don't like it?
I've been making you corn since...
How was school today, Michael?
Dad, that's David.
Michael is in college.
It was yesterday...
...I had to go up to the school.
He was in trouble.
Something with...
..."may" and "can."
With "may" and "can."
Scientists prove there is no life
on Mars as we know it.
He wets the bed.
My dad wets the bed.
- You'd like to see Sam Krichinsky?
- Yes, I'm his grandson. Michael Kaye.
- Do you know the way?
- Yeah.
- Does my son need one?
- No, he's fine.
In the end, you spend everything
you ever saved...
...sell everything
you've ever owned...
...just to exist in a place like this.
So are you dating?
I told you, Sam. I'm married.
- You are married?
- Yes.
And this is my son.
I named him Sam.
You're not supposed to name him
after the living.
I know.
You know?
Carry on the family name. Carry on.
Couple of years ago,
I went to see the house on Avalon.
It was gone.
Not just the house,
but the whole neighborhood.
I went to see the ballroom...
...where me and my brother
used to play.
The whole place, gone.
Not just that.
But the grocery store
where we used to shop, gone.
All gone.
I went to see where Eva lived...
...off Poplar Street.
It isn't there.
Not even the street. It isn't there.
Not even the street.
And then I went to see...
...the nightclub I used to have.
Thank God it was there...
...because for a minute,
I thought I never was.
If I knew things would no longer
be here, I would have tried...
...to have remembered better.
I miss you, Sam.
I came to America in 1914.
I came to America...
...in 1914.
Daddy, that man talks funny.
He wasn't born here, Sam.
You mean, he wasn't born in Baltimore?
He came to America in 1914.
He said it was the most beautiful
place he'd ever seen.I came to America in 1914,
by way of Philadelphia.
That's where I got off the boat.
And then I came to Baltimore.
It was the most beautiful place
you've ever seen in your life.
There were lights everywhere.
What lights they had!
It was a celebration of lights.
I thought they were for me:
"Sam was in America."
Sam was in America.
I didn't know what holiday it was,
but there were lights.
And I walked under them.
The sky exploded! People cheered!
There were fireworks.
What a welcome it was!
What a welcome!
I didn't know where my brothers were.
I had an address on a letter,
but when I went there, they'd moved.
I found the man
who knew the name Krichinsky.
He was a little man with big shoes.
I'll never forget him.
He had such big shoes!
They were brand-new, beautiful shoes.
He told me this was
how he made his living.
He would break in shoes
for the wealthy.
Stuff them with newspaper
and walk in them.
I said, "What a country is this.
What a country."
The wealthy didn't even have
to break in their own shoes.
So this man with
Авалон Авалон

Читайте также:
- текст До мозга костей на английском
- текст Бетховен: Большой бросок на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 10 на английском
- текст День Сурка на английском
- текст Маньяк-полицейский на английском

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