look at them. It doesn't fly. It'll never fly. We could throw it off a building and watch it crash. How about a cliffhanger? Now that's an idea. Boom! Another chapter! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! What's happening? What are you doing? Are you crazy? You'll burn the house! You've got the wing on your foot! Fire in the house will burn the house to the ground. It was just a cliffhanger. The pilgrims started it, whoever they were. We all have to give thanks. We kill a turkey and everybody says thank you. It's a holiday. We never have turkey the rest of the year, but now we have to eat it. It's a funny holiday, if you ask me. It makes no sense. - Are we going to eat? - Gabriel should be here any minute. That man will be late for his own funeral. Dad? Dad, why don't we eat? Yeah, we're hungry! - I'm hungry. - We want to eat. No, no, no. We should wait for Gabriel. Wait for Gabriel. Every year we go through the same thing. We can't cut the turkey because of Gabriel. Jules... ...cut the turkey! - I made the mold this time. - It's lovely. - I hate when food touches. - It all ends up in the same place. I hate that! I hate when it touches! Michael. Sorry we're late. Gabriel. You started without me? You cut the turkey without me? Come on, we leave. They start without us, we go. Every year you're late. We were hungry, the kids wanted to eat. We couldn't wait. Your own flesh and blood, and you couldn't wait? You cut the turkey! That's it! That's the last time we come for Thanksgiving! Gabriel, come here, for God's sake. Gabriel! Gabriel! - Come back! - Such a lunatic. It's ridiculous. The same thing every year. We wait for him, he shows up late, then we cut the turkey. You cut the turkey! It took us hours to get here. You live miles from nowhere. It's too far, for God's sake. Too far for relatives. Your new relatives. You have relatives that live near you who you'll wait for. Gabriel, for God's sake, let's not make an issue out of the turkey. That's what happens when you get to be wealthy. Your son's wealthy so you don't wait for your brother to cut the turkey. To hell with you! To hell with me? Jules making a good living has nothing to do with the turkey. Nothing! When we lived in Avalon, nobody ate. You wait for everybody before you eat... ...much less cut the turkey without a brother. You move to the suburbs and you think it doesn't matter anymore. The young ones are hungry. They make a commotion. You want to stand on ceremony with the family? There's always young ones that are hungry that carry on and want to eat. They got to wait till every relative is there before the turkey's cut. I've said enough! What's wrong? Put all kitchen appliances here. Washing machines, refrigerators, a whole department. We got one entire floor just for bedroom sets, sleepers, sofas. It's been no time since we expanded the other place. - Where's the money coming from? - The bank is financing us. The bank? They're giving us the money. This is the time. You know, you open a place like this, no one can compete with us. We got a chance, we might as well run with it. Discount department store. - Right. - This place is enormous. What's the worst that can happen? It goes under. It goes under? Right. How much money you got right now? You got nothing. You got nothing. I got nothing because every time I make a dollar, you want to expand. God forbid the place goes under. You can't have less than nothing. It's not a lot. What are we? We're a discount warehouse. There's nothing like it. No frills, no fixtures. No one's ever done this. I'll have to invent new ways to count money. We're gonna tear up this town. Yeah? - All right. Let's do it. - Yes! Let's do it. A job at McCormick's spice company. Good, very good. Good. We'll have a family-circle meeting. Get everybody to help you get your own place. Own place.
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