streetcar? - It was a train. Do you know where my coat is? In the back closet. It was too crowded. Never has there been a streetcar jumped its tracks. Now, a train has jumped its tracks, but never a streetcar. I circulated over 10,000 fliers for the opening of the new store, Dad. I never believed in fliers. If people don't pay for something, they won't bother reading it. The newspaper you pay for, then you read an ad. Let's hope you're wrong, because we can't afford newspaper ads. You can gamble, you're young. You make mistakes, you can always start again. See what Solomon did. He could have stayed in the shoe business... ...but he gambled. Today, he's got-- One of Baltimore's biggest department stores. - That is true. - I can't find the coat. Oh, God. I sent it to the cleaners. Dad, where's the keys to your car? Here. You ready, hon? I'm just putting on my coat. - Michael, be good. - I will. Don't be late. And it's true with Solomon. I'm about this far away from losing my mind. Thank you. Want pictures here? Pictures? Pictures? Pictures? - Pictures? - No, thank you. Pictures here? All right. Pictures here? Can I get a picture? All right. Come on. Everybody smile. Don't laugh. I'm not laughing. Yes, you are. I can see it. Miss? Miss? Let's do it again. - What do you want? - My eyes weren't open. They were fine. What's your problem? I'm getting nervous. You? You getting nervous? He makes me nervous. We're back to the business again. He started it. - What? - No, no, no. Maybe the customers won't show. We're expanding. We're getting in over-- You getting this? It was a genuine concern, and it remains a genuine concern. Genuine concern? That I like. Genuine concern. Very nice phrase. I have to admit, he tends to be on the conservative side. If this expansion doesn't go over... ...we're out of the suburbs and back into row houses, huh? That's a genuine concern. We'll toast to genuine concerns. It's been acknowledged. No, let's toast to the suburbs, shall we? Better. Honey, don't count. Just... Am I doing good? - You're doing wonderful. - Thank you. Who would've thought that this bargain marriage would have lasted this long? You know, I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but... But what? - What? - I'm pregnant. You're what? I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. - You're kidding? - No, I am not kidding. You have great news and you wait until now to tell me? I would've told you sooner, but the streetcar discussion got in the way. It didn't seem like the proper time to get in the fact... ...that I'm pregnant again. Let's face it, the streetcar story was all-consuming. Honey, this is great news. Let's do that promenade thing. Please. It's bad enough over there. What is this? What is this? There's a lot of people for something. This is us. This is for us! - Discount is here. - Oh, this is good. - Look at this! - This is good. Don't go anywhere, we're coming right out! But I don't even know what he looks like. Where are the people who know where the people are? Simka. Simkala! Gittle, welcome, welcome. I don't know exactly what they were saying. I couldn't tell if they met in the concentration camp. It couldn't be that, right? Must have been the refugee camp. I don't think she was in a concentration camp. What I got was that her husband died in the war. No, I didn't get that. She would not have had that child in a concentration camp. I think he met her in the refugee camp. To think a woman could survive a concentration camp with a child. Oh, my God. It gives me the chills. I don't think she was in a concentration camp. I got that they met in a refugee camp, that her husband died. But the refugee camp was recently and the kid is like six, so... No. We'll have to ask later. See, there's nothing else to do with it. It's done. That's the problem with model planes. There's nothing to do but
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