jealous of our new young doctor, are you? What? Now you made me lose my timing. You're yelling, Sam. Come on to bed. I need a shower. I'd love to start taking walks around the neighbourhood with you. It's not the same thing, Evelyn. I need to know exactly how far I've gone and exactly how long it took me. Floor's cold, Sam. You're right. You're always right. Damn! - What's wrong? - Some damn thing bit me. It's just a spider. Spider? Felt like a damn cougar. Damn! I'm having a seizure. Sam, what should I do? Ambulance. Call Jennings. I'll be right there. - What's going on? - Metcalf. He's having a seizure. Thank God you didn't examine him this morning. - What's the coroner doing here? - I don't know. Milt! This isn't necessary. I'll be the judge of that, Lloyd. Wait out here. Guard the house or something. Was he alive when you got here? He'd been dead maybe five minutes. Whatever it was, it was abrupt and acute. What's your guess? Massive coronary? Cerebral haemorrhage? His wife says he was bitten by a spider just before he seized. Oh, right. Sam told me about you. You're the hot shot who won't accept anyone else's diagnosis. I'll accept it if I agree with it. Good. Let me show you something. Down here. I believe that's a spider bite. I'll buy that. But I rather doubt that's what killed him In twenty years, I've seen only one spider-bite fatality. And that involved a black widow and a one-year-old child. No. My guess is that Sam overexerted himself. His wife said he was using the treadmill just before he keeled over. You may be right. I want a full autopsy. Tissue samples, blood toxicology, the whole nine yards. - Wait just one second. - Shut up, Lloyd. - You'll get Evelyn's permission, of course. - Of course. - You need a ride home? - No, I'm all right, thanks. You better take care of yourself now. You're the town doctor. Say "Aahh." Okay, I think we're gonna treat this inflammation with antibiotics. Does this mean I don't get any ice cream? I'll buy you a double scoop on the way home. Who's next? I'll take that. Thank you very much. Step right this way. Just have a seat. I'll be right with you. Okay, hot shot. Are you sitting down? According to preliminary data, Sam Metcalf died as the result of a minute amount of an as yet unidentified toxic substance in his bloodstream. My office isn't ruling out accidental poisoning, deliberate poisoning or even killer spiders. At the moment, it looks like a heart attack to me. But I'll support whatever you'd like to do. I gotta have those bodies exhumed. I gotta be sure. Okay. Whatever you think is necessary. Thanks. Are you out of your mind? Slowly and once more, Lloyd - I want Margaret Hollins' and Todd Miller's bodies exhumed. Dug up. You start pulling citizens out of the ground that should be enjoying eternal rest and that roomful of patients will disappear... I'll just get a court order. Milt Briggs is on my side. This is a very bad business, Mr Yale-graduate-big-city doctor! A very bad business! No shit! - Hi, Dad. - Hi, honey. What's going on? I promised Shelley she could spend the night with Bunny. We'll take good care of her. Wait. There may be some spiders around here that are very dangerous. Okay? I just want you girls to be aware of this. If you should see one, don't try to capture it or kill it. Just run, you understand? - Run! - We'll do that, Dr Jennings. You don't have to worry about anything. Dr Death! Are you all right? No. All clear. The spider didn't answer. She had fallen asleep. It had been a very, very busy day. Okay, your turn, Bunny. The itsy bitsy spider Crawled up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the itsy bitsy spider crawled up the spout again It's my turn now. Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вспомнить всё на английском - текст Большие неприятности на английском - текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Знакомство на английском - текст Надолго ли? на английском - текст Элвин и бурундуки 2 на английском |