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the cops.
The other one got him.
How did you know?
Suddenly everything has
become very ineresting.
Go see father.
Tell him. . .
that Cross
was gunned down. . .
outside his building.
Don't you get it?
What is he talking about?
You want me to face Barcasse
unarmed? To kill us all?
Do as you're told.
Bobovkin is following
my orders.
Bobovkin. . .
Shut the door.
To hell with
your cop.
A sad occasion brought us
here today, brothers.
We buried our dear
friend King.
And now Cross has
left us too.
We will remember the faithful
guardian of our customs.
He was an honest, noble
man, a real thief!
Cat's got your
tongue, Judas?
You sent an assasin
to kill me!
Grey had time to frisk
his pockets.
Guess what he found.
A phone number.
-What phone number?
-Your phone number.
What phone number?
Save your dignity.
Gangrene. . .
A phone number. . .
A phone number. . .
What phone number?
-Did you bring the guns?
-The guns.
What guns?
Great, the thiefs
didn't let us down.
They are here,
under the bridge.
About 1 00 men, half of
them heavily armed.
l am waiting.
Do you know it?
Patria o Muerte.
Where is Shaman?
He couldn't make it.
l'll talk on his behalf.
Do you think anyone
will talk to you?
Let's get out of here.
You're scum.
Run !
lt's time l
changed jobs.
Face down !
Get him.
Come and get me.
l'll take him myself.
Where did you serve?
You weren't there.
Stop. Hands behind
your head!
Don't shoot.
l'm Bobovkin.
Metis, is it you?
Hand up.You're
not one of us.
l told Shaman you were
scum but he didn't listen.
-So many killed.
-But l. . .
Shut up, who are
you working for?
-For Barcasse, for the cops?
-You are wrong.
lt was all Shaman's idea.
They arrested Barcasse.
l simply called the cops
and told them where and when.
That's the only reason.
Our guys were unarmed.
He arrested them for
gun possession.
That's the only reason,
believe me.
So many are dead.
Somebody has to answer
for that. . .
and it will be
you, pig.
lt's a misunderstanding.
lt's a coincidence.
Don't shoot! Call
Shaman and ask him.
Shaman will follow you.
Take me to Shaman.
Shaman was killed.
-What do you mean?
-He was shot.
Almost everything went
according to your plan.
-Who's this?
By the way,
now we're even.
That's for the guys.
lt's me. Have any news?
The girl's not well.
She's at the hospital.
l have to hand the case
to the Public Prosecutor.
-Give me another day.
-Half a day.
Don't be too long,
she needs rest.
Who are you?
The man they killed
was my friend.
l wont' bring any charges
against them.
l don't care about that.
Just tell me who did it
and l'll leave.
And then?
l'll find them and take
care of everything.
By myself. For you and
for my friend.
l'm sorry but he
was my best friend.
They dragged me
inside the car.
Your friend came to help.
He shouted to let me go.
They executed him right
ther, they took me. . .
-How many were there?
One's skinny, the other
one a bit bigger.
The third one is bold. He
burnt me with cigarettes.
-Who was the shooter?
-The bold one.
Do you want to see
what they did to me?
No, please don't.
Hey, Fox.
How's Ape,
still smoking?
Who rides with him?
Parrot and Head.
What's their car?
Parrot has a Mercedes,
it's a good car.
How does he look like
this Parrot?
Like a parrot
except thinner.
Where does he usally
take you?
To the Fort.
Listen, here's
what you have to do.
Welcome to
my castle.
What are you waiting for?
Take your clothes off.
So we smoke or
we screw?
What do you prefer?
Take your clothes off.
Killing cops
is against rules.
l need to get
to Walhalla.
l would like to make
punishment match the crime.
he doesn't feel pain.
Now you feel it.
-Now, it's your turn.
-And yours.
-You may have been right.
-Think before
Антикиллер Антикиллер

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- текст Хоттабыч на английском
- текст Первые на Луне на английском
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- текст В синем море, белой пене... на английском
- текст Космический Джэм на английском

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