rules. And you know it. These are troubled times, Gangrene. Cross? This is Fox. l'd be careful if l were you. Father crossed you. You know Broom? lt is set for today. Might even be happening now. Grey! Take a look outside. See if everything is OK. Hey buddy, got a cigarette? -l don't smoke. -Pitty. Can you drive me to the cen- ter? l'll give you 50 rubles. l can't. l'm waiting for a friend. He lives in this building. l know everybody. ls it Val or Nick? Whoever comes out first. Take care, buddy. l'm going for a beer. Ther's a guy in a car. Engine still warm. He's waiting for a friend. There's no one here. Shall l kill him? Call the Police and tell them that he's armed. They'll come right away. Not from this phone, you moron. Can l see your papers, please? That's twice in one hour. Happens to everyone. Your papers, please. Just a second. St. Peter- sburg KGB. . . Are you on a mission? Since when do cops check on KGB? Can l see your car registration? He's dead. He came for you. He had a silencer on his gun. He got one of the cops. The other one got him. How did you know? Suddenly everything has become very ineresting. Go see father. Tell him. . . that Cross was gunned down. . . outside his building. Don't you get it? What is he talking about? You want me to face Barcasse unarmed? To kill us all? Do as you're told. Bobovkin is following my orders. Bobovkin. . . Metis! Go. Metis! Shut the door. To hell with your cop. A sad occasion brought us here today, brothers. We buried our dear friend King. And now Cross has left us too. We will remember the faithful guardian of our customs. He was an honest, noble man, a real thief! Gangrene! Cat's got your tongue, Judas? You sent an assasin to kill me! Grey had time to frisk his pockets. Guess what he found. A phone number. -What phone number? -Your phone number. What phone number? Save your dignity. Gangrene. . . A phone number. . . A phone number. . . What phone number? -Did you bring the guns? -What? -The guns. -Sure. What guns? Bang-bang! Great, the thiefs didn't let us down. They are here, under the bridge. About 1 00 men, half of them heavily armed. l am waiting. Do you know it? Patria o Muerte. Where is Shaman? He couldn't make it. l'll talk on his behalf. Do you think anyone will talk to you? Let's get out of here. You're scum. Run ! lt's time l changed jobs. Face down ! Get him. Come and get me. l'll take him myself. Where did you serve? You weren't there. Pity. Stop. Hands behind your head! Don't shoot. l'm Bobovkin. Metis, is it you? Hand up.You're not one of us. l told Shaman you were scum but he didn't listen. -So many killed. -But l. . . Shut up, who are you working for? -For Barcasse, for the cops? -You are wrong. lt was all Shaman's idea. They arrested Barcasse. l simply called the cops and told them where and when. That's the only reason. Our guys were unarmed. He arrested them for gun possession. That's the only reason, believe me. So many are dead. Somebody has to answer for that. . . and it will be you, pig. lt's a misunderstanding. lt's a coincidence. Don't shoot! Call Shaman and ask him. Wait. Shaman will follow you. Fox? Take me to Shaman. Shaman was killed. -What do you mean? -He was shot. Almost everything went according to your plan. -Who's this? -Fox. By the way, now we're even. Metis? That's for the guys. lt's me. Have any news? The girl's not well. She's at the hospital. l have to hand the case to the Public Prosecutor. -Give me another day. -Half a day. Don't be too long, she needs rest. Who are you? The man they killed was my friend. l wont' bring any charges against them. l don't care about that. Just tell me who did it and l'll leave. And then? l'll find them and take care of everything. By myself. For you and for my friend. l'm sorry but he was my best ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вкус зелёного чая после риса на английском - текст Семейное дело на английском - текст С глаз - долой, из чарта - вон! на английском - текст В порту на английском - текст Замок на английском |