powerful drug dealers in the world. - Everybody knows it. - And your father? My mother died of cancer, and my father's a scientist. After she died, he clung to this dream. He was going to find a cure for cancer. He sold everything, bought the island and set up a research Laboratory. He worked hard. The British and American governments invested money. Everything was going so well. Dad was on the verge of a big breakthrough and... Well, they simply withdrew. Dad was devastated. I was away at school at that time. When Dad called me... Anyway, then the Lion turned up and he offered Dad money, lots, enough to finish his project. Dad jumped at the chance, didn't ask questions. He was so close to finding his cure. The Lion had other ideas, and instead of finding his cure for cancer, Dad ended up producing these attacking monsters, these Ninjas. Producing? Something to do with biological engineering. Reorganizing a person's genetic code. They used those marines for their experiments. And you? Where do you fit into all this? Bait. As long as they've got me, they can blackmail my father. If they harm me, he'll stop working for them. They won't let me near him, though, in case I try to influence him. I guess we'd better see what we can do about it, huh? Come on, Iet's go. The ambassador won't give us permission to go in until he hears from Washington. That'll take another year. What are we going to do? Apparently, the governor won't let us visit the island. We got a tricky political situation. We got political red tape, Captain. You heard Toto. Joe and Alicia are stuck in that island. They'll have to improvise till we get the go-ahead. I'm sorry, but that's not good enough. Years ago, we started out on the streets, low-down and dirty. We soon realized to have it all, to really nail it down, we had to control the source. So we moved out into the jungles. We took over the plantations and factories, until we built the biggest drug empire the world has ever known. But success brings jealousy, and we laid out millions with payoffs, but the greed only grew. So you came to me and you asked me to find a foolproof way to protect ourselves and our investment. So, with the help of Professor Sanborn here, I think I've achieved that objective. So there you are, the super ninja, the ultimate fighting machine. Strong, obedient, heartless, and as many of them as we want. Enjoy yourselves now, and Iet's see what they can do. It's this way. Come on. This is it. Where do they make these things? At the far end of the complex. It's on the third floor. Wait here. Ssh. What's the matter? How d'you make them, Leo? What are they? Miracles of genetic engineering. Professor Sanborn will show us how it's done. Right, Professor? If we wait for the ambassador, it's gonna be too late. - Watch your mouth. - Chill out, motor mouth. This unit's lost five marines. Do you wanna lose Joe and the girl? No, I thought not. I'm boogying, baby. Anyone coming with me? This is it. It's my father. He looks sick. Gentlemen, this is it. Professor, we're all ears. These flasks contain frozen cells in a solution of amino acids. What are those men doing? Micro-injecting DNA hereditary information into a single cell. By this method, we can control the building blocks of life. We can make the human being anything we want it to be. He keeps most of what's left of his human intelligence, but his knowledge of attack and survival He will be cunning, intelligent and devious, like a predatory tiger. He will feel no pain and know no emotion but hate. His muscles and sinews will be replaced with the strongest, lightest, high-tensile steel known to man. He will run faster than the finest Olympic athlete, be stronger than a ten-ton crane. And in this next generation, you will witness the most lethal assassin the world has ever known. And the best part, he will follow
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