but there's been no ransom demands and no bodies. It's a goddamn mystery. So I made my report to Washington asking for help and they sent you. All I have to go on is what the kid told me. Who was it that last saw the marines, sir? Name's Taylor. Kind of a strange guy. Married a local girl a year ago. - (Wild Bill) He's been going downhill since. - We've got the picture. I don't know who you are or why you're here, but I've been told to help you. So you work in the embassy, keep a low profile and don't mess with my marines. We'll do our best, sir. Now get outta here. Men in black suits. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? - Yeah. - I'll show you your rooms. (man) Hey, Sarge, over here. (Charlie) A few of us are going water-skiing later. You're welcome to come along if you want. - Water-skiing? - Yeah. Why not? Thank you, Toto. (Jackson) Look at that babe. (Charlie) Jackson, Joe. Hey. How you doing? You know Toto, right? - Hi. - This right here is Bert Ballard. He may not look like much, but his sister is so fine. Our fan club's beginning to grow. Let's go already. (Armstrong) See ya. Come on, push out. Oh, oh, oh... Wanna go ashore and try our luck? Let's go to Mangrove Island. Wall-to-wall babes. They're all dying for it. - Last I heard you were married. - So? (Tom) Just 'cause I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't look at the menu. Good point. Very good point. Get it. Looks like we got a problem. - Put her up there on the beach. - Yeah, OK. You OK, Taylor? Yeah, sure. I don't wanna swim all the way back to the base. (Tom) It's probably the carburettor. (Bert) Let's push it in. That's it. Let me check the engine. Get it in there. Well, let's check the engine. All right. The US Marines strike again. Doesn't seem to be anything wrong, not that I can see. Everything seems to be all right. Screw it. Let's go for a swim. Yeah. Come on. - No, I'll stick around. - Come on, guys. Nobody's gonna steal it. Hey, Charlie, Bert! Wait up! The army's gonna stay on the beach. - What do you think? - Keep an eye on Taylor. (engine starts) Yah! (snap!) (he screams) Where the hell's your friend? I don't know. I'm gonna go look for him. You guys get this back in the water. Let's go. (shouts in Japanese) (snap!) (he wails) Joe! This way. Ninja? What the hell are ninja? A secret Japanese society, expert in the art of assassination. What would Japanese assassins be doing in this part of the world? I believe they were trying to kidnap us, sir. What would these guys be grabbing you morons for? That's enough, Sergeant. Escort these three men outside. And if a word of this gets out, I'll have you shot, you understand? This is the most ridiculous story I've heard in my life. My other four men were abducted by these same ninja? - Yes, sir. - But why? - Are they working for the Russians? - We don't know. Shit. I guess I'll have to alert the ambassador. If you give us a few more days, we can come up with something. - Can you? - We do have a lead, sir. OK. You got one week, but I don't like it. They were there on the beach, I'm telling you, Sarge. Ninjas my ass! You guys were over at Mangrove Island taking care of the local talent, right? You may have got away with that in the army, but you sure as hell ain't gonna get away with it here. - Loves you guys. - Yeah. Charlie, where's Taylor? He had a phone call. - (man) Who are they? - I don't know who they are. - They're rangers, not marines. - Rangers? They're cipher clerks, joined us today. They fight like professionals. The blond one could almost be a ninja. - A ninja? - Yes. I want him dead. Bring him to the Blind Beggar tomorrow alone. (sighs) Yeah, OK. OK, I'll try, man, but it's dangerous. OK. (creaking) Relax. It's Taylor. I
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