goin', Milner? - I'm goin' home, sir. - Where've you been? - We were... At the movies, sir. You didn't happen to be around 12th and "G" about 8:30 tonight, did you? No. No, sir. We were at the movies, like I said. I stopped you because the light on your license plate's out. I'm gonna have to cite you for that. And the front end of this thing you're drivin'... Iooks a little low. No, sir. It's 12 Ѕ/ inches, regulation size. It's been checked several times. You can check it if you like, sir. Look, Milner. Listen. You can't fool with the law. We know that was you tonight. We have an excellent description of this car. I could run you in right now, and I could make it stick. But I'm not gonna do that. You know why? I want to catch you in the act... and when I do, I'm gonna nail you but good. Happy birthday, Milner. Thank you... asshole. You're a regular J.D. File that under C.S. over there. C.S.? What's that stand for? Chicken shit. That's what it is. Ain't he neat? You know a guy around here with a piss-yellow deuce coupe? - Supposed to be hot stuff? - You mean John Milner? Ain't nobody can beat him, man. He's got the fastest... - I ain't nobody, dork. Right? - Right. You see this Milner, you tell him I'm lookin' for him, huh? Tell him I aim to blow his ass right off the road. Ain't he neat? What a babe! What a bitchin' babe! Hello. You sure you don't need a lift somewhere? You know John Milner? john Milner's a good friend of mine. Did anybody ever tell you that you look just like Connie Stevens? - You do. I really mean it. - For real? Yeah. I met her once at a Dick Clark road show. - Yeah? You really think I look like her? - Yeah, no shit. I'm sorry. I mean... I mean that I'm not just feeding you a line. I really think you do. You look like Connie Stevens. - What's your name? - Debbie. I always thought I look like Sandra Dee. - Well, you look a lot like her too. - Is this your car? Yeah. I'm Terry, the... - They usually call me Terry the Tiger. - It's really tough-lookin'. - What school you go to? - Dewey. Can it lay rubber? Yeah, I got a 32 7 Chevy in it. It's got six Strombergs. That's bitchin' tuck-and-roll. I really love the feel of tuck-and-roll. You do? Well, come in. I'll let you feel it. I mean you can touch it if you want. I'll let you feel the upholstery. Okay. - Peel out. - What? Peel out. I just love it when guys peel out. And they came all the way from Stockton. Let's hear it. I don't care if you leave this second. And we wanna thank Darby Langdon, who did all these neat decorations. Now the next dance is gonna be a snowball... and leading it off is last year's class president, Steve Bolander... and this year's head cheerleader, Laurie Henderson. - Come on. - "Come on" what? Steven, please. Smile or something. Quit pinching! You think I care if you go off? You think I'm gonna crack up? - Boy, are you conceited! - I don't know why I ever asked you out. - You didn't. I asked you out. - What do you mean, you asked me out? Backwards Day. Remember? If I had waited for you to ask me... Oh, brother! Even after that, you didn't call me for two weeks. - I was busy. - You were scared. Dave Ogler told me. When you did ask me out, you didn't kiss me for three dates. - Well, I was... - Scared. Jim Kiler told me. I even asked my father why you hadn't kissed me. - Your father. Great. - You know what he said? He said he thought you were bright enough... and that you'd probably get around to it after a while. You didn't, of course. I had to. Remember the picnic? Out at the canyon? Boy! You don't remember anything, do you? The fiэrst one, up at the lake. That was the fiэrst time you kissed me. I had to practically throw myself at you. I remember. What's wrong? Go to hell. What are you doin', stealin' hubcaps? - Well, hey, Wendy. - How've you been? Fine. - Great. How you been?
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